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T HE progress made by the compressionignition oil engine, as applied to commercial vehicles, is truly remarkable and exceeds...
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maintenance of the pound at its par value that the action of Sir Eric Geddes in issuing to all workers at Fort Dunlop a...
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That Dagenham will not be long now. Of much competition in the 30-cwt. field. That the latest models look like 2-tonners at...
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" The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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EAST HAM Corporation has ordered an Electricar 3-ton refuse collector. BIRMINGHAM Corporation is buying four 31-ton and three...
F ROM time to time we have referred to the original design of the rubberjointed track which has been evolved by Roadless...
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M ORRIS COMMERCIAL CARS, LTD, of Soho, Birmingham, has unquestionably done a great deal of pioneer work for this country's...
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for railway service TOTOR horseboxes are finding inJY,Lcreasing popularity amongst railway companies and one of the latest...
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Pirelli, Ltd., has opened a new sales and service depot at 11, Merchant's Quay, Cork. The annual report of Newcastle...
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DESTINATION INDICATORS A Review of the Various Metho' of Placing Devices for Showin Destinations, the Route Covere and...
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THREE -WHEELED VAN New Rear Springing and Frame for the Coventry-Victor 5 cwt. Model F OB small businesses or as an adjunct...
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THREE-WAY TIPPING GEAR Spenborough Unit Attached to Chassis by Six U-bolts T O he able to attach a serviceable three-way...
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in a conc rete form A NYONE who visited the recent exhibition of oilengined vehicles and individual units, held at...
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XTISITORS to the Shipping, En V gineering and Machinery Exhibition are seeing for the first time a 196 c.c. single-cylindered...
T HE advantages of shutters, instead of doors, for van bodies of certain types are responsible for the increasing noPularity of...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3522] Sir,—I am interested to note what " Engineer " writes with regard to the question of...
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Motor Spirit is Now Taxed to the Extent of 266 Per Cent. ; Its Original Value is About 3d. a Gallon TAURING the national...
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of large capacity The Latest Tempo has a Water-cooled Engine, is Robustly Constructed and Will Carry a 15-cwt. Pay-load B Y...
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of Passenger Transport THE COMMISSIONERS' FORTHCOMING PUBLIC SITTINGS Details Extracted from the Gazettes Published by Area...
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The M.H.C.S.A. Again Leads the Way to Organized Effort by Calling Operators Together I N our issue for last week we referred to...
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Southern Commissioners Requested to Ban Coaches from Certain Bridges A T the sitting of the Southern Area Commissioners which...
Five Good Men Given a Free Hand to Tackle a Difficult and Far-reaching Task • I N our issue dated August 25th, on page 54, we...
Gretna Bus Routes Disputed. At the recent sitting of the Southern Scotland Commissioners at Maxwelltown, when applications in...
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to aid salesmen r,BVIOUSLY, private motorcars or travellers' broughams IL/have a limited capacity for goods carrying, and...
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HAULIER and CARRIER M ANY hauliers will, no doubt, have been somewhat disappointed, when comparing the figures of operating...
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MEE names of C. 11. Fowler and H. Walker, both of Steam Plough and Locomotive Works, Leeds, appear in patent No. 354,808, which...