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I T is not in the least likely that there is any significance in the coincidence that, while a controversy is proceeding in our...
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A _ HAULIER h a s been strongly criticiziag t h e increasing use of those small projections in the road which carry reflectors....
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The less the braking the less the quaking, That the • new quartz-crystal chronometers at Greenwich are accurate to 0.0001...
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GOVERNMENT DROPS ITS PRODUCER-GAS SCHEME MEVER quite so successful as the M.O.W.T, anticipated, the Government's prodncer.gas...
MR. M. C. V/CICERS, who is relinquishing his position as operating manager with Northumbrian Transport Services, Ltd., is...
A LARGE-SCALE amalgamation of ./ - 1. road-haulage businesses in the Yorkshire heavy woollen district was pictured as a...
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AORE grumbles by Yorkshire hauliers because they were being unfairly deprived of short-distance traffic by the M.O.W.T, Road...
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Prepare Your Post-war Costs and Rates Figures Now ! B LACK-OUT restrictions have been modified, fire-watching has been eased,...
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Have Hauliers Become Temporarily Blinded to its Pitfalls by the Tempting Bait of Discounts? I N a letter published in " The...
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By H. W. Greenwood, M.Inst.Met. (Powder Metallurgy. Ltd.) A LTHOUGH a good deal of pub. licity has been given to the use, by...
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SS BUILT UP IN 13 YEARS I HAVE known the members of the family of Messrs, T. Goy and Sons for a good many years. When I first...
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I T would appear that the various people who are engaged in trying to find the right answer to the taxation problem are not...
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S ERIOUS complications whiah are stated to be further impeding con. summation of the Perry merger plan for the unification of...
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The Procedure to be Followed in Implicating the "Reinstatement By in Civil Employment Act, 1944." " Tantalus" I N continuance...
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A DEVICE for fitting to a normal vehicle to enable it to drive an auxiliary mechanism is shown in patent No. 562,974, by Al. 0....