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The past fortnight has afforded the opportunity for informal and other discussions upon the disappointing attendance at the...
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The usual monthly meeting of the Executive Committee of the Commercial Motor Users' Association was held, for April, on the 8th...
By R. G. L. Markham, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E. In the early days of motoring, and particularly of commercial vehicles—they were...
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An Example of the Tendency of Makers to Construct Light Chassis on the "Unit " Principle. A paper was read by Mr. Worby...
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On Thursday . Last, the Vanguard Company " opened fire " against the Road Car Company's Clapham Junetion-Highbury Barn service....
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Next week—"The Motorcab Special." Order now. A single issue, complete in itself, with descriptive and illustrated articles, as...
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EXHIBITORS' VIEWS. Continued from page 192, "Unless the Public Comes." The Editor, " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." Dear Sir :—With...
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Amongst the other matter which was unavoidably crowded out from our issue of last week, and one, to which a brief Editorial...
A business on What appears to be similar lines to the " Motor House," except that it is purely for commercial motors, has been...
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The " Gate " at Olympia. The Editor, " THE CONIMERCIAL MOTOR." Sir :—I am not surprised at your remarks in this week's issue....
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The accompanying illustration shows a pair of " Samsonian " patent wheels, which are made by The Atlas Engineer ing Company,...
In the Chancery Division before Mr. Justice Parker on April t3th, Mr. Eustare Smith applied to rectify the register of...
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A Straight Talk, by An Owner. The modern influx of the motor lorry, which replaces the old order of horse haulage, has brought...
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By Henry Sturmey. This does not relate to an accident on the high road, but to the disproving of a common fallacy in...
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An Ingenious Arrangement for Enabling Sliding Gears to be Changed Silently and Without Damage. Among the various change-speed...
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There are few towns of any considerable size in Great Britain and Ireland where the initial difficulties are likely to be found...
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WHEEL GEARS.—Taylor and Another.—No. 18.421, dated 31st December, 1907.—According to this invention rotat ing guards are...