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T HE reply to the criticisms of the Salter Report, which has been signed by all its members on the rail and road sides,...
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w E do not know if any accurate computation has been made of the amount of time wasted by the thousands of individuals in every...
W HEN Lieut.-Colonel J. A. Cole, 0.B.E., pmsided recently at the 24th annual general meeting of Humber, Ltd., he laid...
Some of the topics raised in our pages devoted to opinions from readers are well worthy of consideration. Page 671. *...
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Of cheers for U.M. at the Department of Over seas Trade. 0 That we must look to overseas trade for a much larger proportion of...
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Canadian Tariffs on British Vehicles. We have been asked to amplify the information on Canadian tariffs which was contained in...
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Mersey Tunnel Tolls. At a special meeting of Liverpool City Council. held a few days ago, it was decided by an overwhelming...
SouetLeee nigitways Committee is to have a demonstration of refuse lorries. Stewart and Ardern, Ltd., is supplying Sr. PANCRAS...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT A Tendency Towards Increased Travel. Competition from Private Motorists, the Railways and the Air....
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IN PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent London Traffic Congestion. MHE Lords last week had a short debate...
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A LETTER replying to the criticisms of their report has been sent to Mr. P. J. Pybus by the members of the Rail and Road -...
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Hanwell, on the west side of London is probably the only busfleet running shed in the world which is entirely devoted to...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3939] Sir,—Mr. Clifford, in his letter in your issue dated December 9, criticizes the Road...
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Details of the New B. and E. Gear for Bedford Vehicles A NEW hydraulic end-tipping gear as been introduced by Bromilow and...
S OME complaints have been made in the past by radio listeners regarding the interference to their reception caused by...
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FULL DETAILS OF BOOKING AGENTS' CONTROL SCHEME Accepted by a Meeting of the Booking Agents Association, in London W E are able...
Regional Committee Conveners' Meeting, No. I Committee Meeting and Southern Fares Inquiry AS indicated in last week's issue,...
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STRONG EFFORTS TO BOOST PASSENGER TRANSPORT. IMPORTANT efforts are being made to put the Travel-by-Road campaign into action,...
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HAULIER and CARRIER Points to be Considered in Relation to Furniture Removal. Peculiarities of a Specialized Business I HAVE...
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BUSINESS Brisk Trade in Coal. Improvement in the Steel Industry. Unexpected Rush in Lace Business. Many Building Contracts...
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A Resume' of Recently Published Patent Specifications - no ATENT No. 383.463, by Movable Floor (Vehicles), Ltd., and Allan E....