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I S the ancillary user to be regarded both by the railways and road hauliers as the black sheep of road transport? Formerly,...
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Which is the Largest TN a recent paragraph in of the Tippers in the I" One Hears" we made a World reference to what many con...
Of those who say that the rate cutter should go to prison (like any other pick-pocket). That the Scottish Road Haulage Area...
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" If ever there was a case of the railway companies trying to restrict the activities of their competitors, this is a...
The new Northern Ireland Road Transport Bill (No. 2) has passed through all the stages, in the Ulster House of Commons and...
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calling for tenders, whfeh have to be presented in South Africa by January 18, 1939, for the supply of three petrol-driven...
• MR. R. A. CARY, M.P., has been appointed by Capt. Austin Hudson, M.P., Parliamentary. Secretary to the Ministry of Transport,...
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At the 32nd ordinary general meeting of the Maudslay Motor Co., Ltd., Mr. 0. Douglas Smith, chairman, said that when he and Mr....
Probably there is no name . better known in connection with small screws and like articles than Nettlefolds. To the range of...
T HE refusal of a solicitor to put his client in the witness-box, to help to clear up a complication arising out of competition...
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co-operation among manufacturers is rather a feature of our industry, and an excellent example of the friendly relations...
A prepara.tion ,for.. application to bearing surfaces, notably, pistons and cylinder bores, with the object of diminishing...
The fifth annual works Christmas supper was given by the directors of F. Perkins, Ltd., Peterborough, on Monday last, when Mr....
We are asked to point out that the mobile telephone exchange, which is being operated by the Post Office authorities, and to...
A policeman stopped a lorry belonging to Carbo Ice Industries, Ltd., Treforest Estate and London, on October 31, and found...
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The Problem of Assessing Fair Rates for the Carriage of Livestock, uhich is a Form of Transport Requiring Special...
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Our Bodybuilding Expert Deals with Sliding Cab-doors, Hard-wearing Floors, Rear Cross -bracing and Methods of Raising the Roof...
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are Doing MONOPOLY COMES NEAR THE MELTING POT. A masterly summary of the claims of road haulage for consideration by...
THE need for a comprehensive and fully worked-out scheme for transport, in time of national emergency, was urged at a meeting...
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" If the railway conapanies, instead of spending thousands of pounds opposing legitimate renewal, applications, had promoted...
" If Blackpool had not had the services of you gentlemen, as well as of the railways, the town could not have expanded in the...
The road haulage operators' move to get a united front against the railway companies' propaganda was described by the chairman,...
read by S.T.R. before the Nottingham branch of the Industrial Transport Association. He stated that much of the difficulty in...
Insurance Plan Offers INSURANCE premiums buy security but yield no dividends. They are, perhaps, "necessary evils," and this...
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and QUERIES RATE-CUTTING BY THE RAILWAYS. [5524] The thanks of all road operators of this district are due to your...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT DRIVERS OF PRIVATE CARS ARE PIRATES" C OMPETITION from people running private cars to the seaside, whom...
T HE railway attack, in the North Western Area, with the object of securing an extension of the restriction on coach licences...
A T its meeting last week, Rishton (Lancashire) Urban Council criticized the action of Blackburn Corporation in applying for a...
Mr. J. H. VV Stirk, presiding at the Nottingham Traffic Court on December 15; as " a novel objection " was' heard when Messrs....
A S the result of an agreement, arrived at with the Transport and General Workers' Union, at Swansea, six companies, operating...
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L AST week, Brighton Town Council approved the resolution of the special transport committee that the electricity engineer be...
D tiRING the hearing of a case at Paisley Sheriff Court, last week, in which a bus proprietor was charged with failing to...
IN our report of the recent Smithfield 'Show, brief reference was made to an addition to the Fordson range of machines, in the...
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Our Contributor, Who is Well-known in Road Transport Circles, Puts Forward the View that Rail and Road Transport Interests...
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Combining the Latest Development in Tipper Bodies on a High-efficiency Chassis I N our issue dated September 23, last, we gave...
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T HE annual convention of the American Trucking Association—which took place this year at Detroit from November 1 to November...
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A SERVICE of pack horses, which was used for the. transport of loads between different towns, was started some 300 years ago...
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for Coaches and Vans How the Problem of Heating and Air-conditioning of Passenger Vehicles is Tackled in the United States T...
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By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent CURIOSITY ABOUT RAILWAY DEMANDS. A CONSIDERABLE amount of curiosity, regarding...
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A Resume of Patent Specifications That Have Recently Been Published Q.CARCELY a week passes without it L./new patent on the...