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1 ,0-DAY marks another milestone in the history of the road haulage Justry. T h e Transport mendment) Bill, promoted a private...
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Clockmaker Became WE have received from Pioneer in the Motor " Mr. C. W. Nichols an Industry appreciation of Sir Allan...
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" So the great steal is to take place! " Re-armament hits Barton." So that's why he's ing off the air ! " Concerning British...
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rALLED to give a lead to political opinion by Mr. Hugo O'Hear, the B.B.0 broadcaster on economic and industrial affairs, 448...
rIN Monday, the Transport Arbitra tion Tribunal confirmed an agreement between the Road Haulage Executive and Gilchrist Road...
a coach to a private party cannot be held liable if, without his knowledge, the organizer advertises the occasion. This is the...
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concessions for Other Vehicles PERATORS of single-deck public service vehicles first registered are June 1, 1950, are to be...
U INQUALIFIED support for he â... 0 Transport (Amendment) Bill was expressed in a statement issued on Tuesday by the...
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A PRELIMINARY Census of Production Report, covering the motor vehicle and cycle manufacturing trades, has been published by...
M EMBERS of four area Transport Users' Consultative Committees have been appointed by the Minister of Transport. The...
MR. E. G. SPEARING has been appointed assistant sales manager cf Brown Bros., Ltd. MR. A. T. Stowell. has joined the Car...
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THE campaign in support of the Transport (Amendment) Bill reached I its climax last Saturday with processions of hauliers'...
("HEAP return tickets for shoppers, \--available between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., are to be withdrawn by West Bromwich Transport...
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⢠110Pt EVISED fares schedules based on I Id. up to 1,200 yds. and with a sliding scale thereafter, have been granted to...
A COMMONWEALTH apprentice r - 1 training scheme, designed to provide a thorough engineering training at the Brush-Aboe group of...
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rHE latest prices of Commer and I Karrier vehicles have been published CoMmer Cars, Ltd., and Karrier &atom, Ltd. Typical...
L'OLLOWING the order placed last year for 667 Regal Mark IV underfloor-engined single-deckers, London Transport has ordered...
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THE haulier had been scandalously treated by the Government and the passenger-vehicle operators did not know where the axe of...
A T last the Northern Area of the Road Haulage Association has had an interview with the Northern Group of Labour Members of...
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Political Commentary By JANUS Q UEEN VICTORIA, according to the legend, never had to look round before she sat down. There was...
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By L. J. COTTON, M.I.R.T.E. I T does not require a skilled electrician to maintain the Graiseley C1.60 pedestrian-controlled...
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A T the 39th annual general meeting of Associated Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., Mr. C. W. Reeve, C.B.E., chairman, referred to the...
T O deal with an appeal against a decision of the South - eastern Licensing Authority affecting operators of extended tours, a...
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IF the speed limit on vehicles weighing over 3 tons be not raised generally to 30 m.p.h., a lot of good could be done by...
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By S. H. EDGE, M.i.Mech.E., M.I.M.i., 11 EATING and ventilation are two distinct matters Ventilation will not produce heating,...
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5-TON lorry being produced in X Hungary has a seven - seater cab th sliding roof. The driving cornrtment is so constructed...
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Low-tension Ignition System Employs Surface-discharge Sp'arking Plugs. Condenser Used for Current Storage T WO important...
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iE capabilities of the David Brown Crackmasier four-cylindered oilned industrial crawler tractor were lively demonstrated last...
se Omnibus Passengers' Protection Cation has formed a branch at drindod Wells. se price of Woodhead Monroe k absorbers and...
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Year with 216 TAN WPM MIN , Milk Vehicles W ITH the passing of the National Health Service Act, 1946, Lancashire County...
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" E CONOMY and flexibility are not to be secured without knowledge Of local conditions. To take the case of the 36 municipal...
F OR the forthcoming c oach g season, Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., Preston, has extended its range of "Easy Way" holiday tours...
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In Dealing with These Specialized Commodities Regard Must be had to the State of Roads Around the Pits, to Loading Facilities...
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A SIX CYLINDERED overhead valve petrol engine, developing 105 b.h.p. at 3.000 r.p.m. and 215 lb.-ft. torque, has been...
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mOVEL proposals in engine design are made in patent No. 649,292, which comes from the Bendix Aviation Corporation, South Bend,...