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A regular contributor to this journal deals with some interesting phases of the cartage problem in this issue (pages 449 to...
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The Bristol Carriage and Wagon Company, which introduced some years .ago a steam wagon, is about to put on the market a new...
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The Continental Company's Works at Hanover. The solid-indiarubber tire plays a prominent part in the economy of so many...
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By Philip Kershaw. The forthcoming enquiry, by the Rt. Hon. D, Lloyd. George, into the details of the railway companies'...
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Smaller Motorbuses. No existing company in London we!corned the the official and other suggestions that it should usa...
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As previously announced, North Italy will see commercial motor trials on a large scale, in the latter half of September. These...
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This journal fosters, represents, and chronicles commercial motoring in all its branches; it has the largest and best...
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In climbing hills there are certain theoretical advantages in front driving of a very interesting character. The problem, as...
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"A Thing of Beauty is a Joy for Ever." The Editor, " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." Sir :—A few months ago, some correspondence...
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We have received a number of interesting reports from Messrs. Norman Heath and Company, of ix, Harris Street, Wellington, N.Z.,...
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An Electric, Turntable, Motor Escape for the Liverpool Fire Brigade. The use of the storage battery for the supply of energy...
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A Good Year's Work. " B.P." (Glamorgan) sends the following notes ;---" Now that the year 1907 has passed, I think that an...
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LUBRICATING SYSTEM.—IIesketh and Another.—No. 6,523, dated 18th March, 1907.—The crank shaft (A) is sur rounded by a floating...