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Some Interesting Moves on the Haulage Side and a Scheme for the " Disinherited" ECENT moves in connection.. with the...
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A N interesting little story lies behind a big order from overseas which was received recently in this country. Some weeks ago...
Bus Passengers May TO choose suitable materials Walk on Thin Plastic A for covering the floors of Floors buses and coaches is...
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Is Britain to have its colour-bar for petrol? That higher wages and higher fares travel hand-in hand. 0 The query "Will there...
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STATE CONTROL MEANS STAGNATION IN DESIGN 'FEARS that the nationalization of I road transport will react unfavourably on...
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MR. V. 0, LEVICK has joined the board of Dowty Equipment, Ltd. MR, R. BRRALEY has resigned his directorship of Simms Motor...
Radio control between depots and ambulances is to be introduced by the West Riding County Council. The New Zealand Government...
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A CCOR DING to the Passenger 2- AVehicle Operators' Association, the Minister of Transport has agreed that no action should be...
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A Small Vehicle • with A BIG PULL A LTHOUGH it was designed primarily to replace' a single horse-drawn wagon, the JenTug...
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A DISINTERESTED onlooker—studying recent public utterances of certain persons in the transport industry, as well as published...
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Time and Motion Study by Black and Decker, Ltd., Proves the Value of Power-operated Equipment T HE study of time and motion,...
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Country-tvide Conversion of Ex-Army Ambulances into Luxury Vehicles for Use by Local Voluntary Organizations. A T least one...
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By Ashley F. Taylor 0 N December 31, Burnley Corporation had completed 17 years of centralized transport, during which time,...
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I NTRODUCTION of the 44-hour five day week has had beneficial effects for the Lockheed Hydraulic Brake Co., Ltd., Leamington...
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a copy of your journal each week and find it most interesting. wish to put forward an idea on which I would like your opinion....
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I N connection with the contract awarded by the Netherlands State Railways to Crossley Motors, Ltd., for 425 single-decker...
A N important paper, entitled "Living With Transport," by Mr. Christian Barman, F.R..I.B.A., and Mr. M. G. Bennett, M.Sc., was...
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T O know what goes on inside the combustion chamber before, during and after the explosion; to know, factually, what happens to...
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S INCi 1 wrote the previous article,. but before it had 'appeared in print, I have received letters from hauliers inquiring as...
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Mobile Refrigerators Required to Ensure Delivery of Fish in Fresh Condition from Ports to the Housewife T HE combination of an...