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F OR their business as Contractors for Public Works Messrs. McLaren require powerful and robust transport vehicles. Handling...
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MOTOR The Safety of Coaches at Compara ' tively High Speeds. rilHERE has lately developed an agitation - 1 against the high...
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A ViSIT to the Seventh International Aero Exhibition which is now being held at Olympia, London, gives one the impression that...
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Some tall stories about coach speeds. No valid excuse. for heavy clutch 'operation to-day. That the tinted-glass visor is a...
That those who like solid comfort do not like solid tyres. That a tram passenvr may very easily become a tramp. A stranger to...
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by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it...
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for Service in the Metropolis A S an operator of a very large fleet of taxicabs in the London area, and having many years'...
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\ A THEN selecting a chassis a bus proprietor will V probably buy the same make and type as that which he already has in...
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organized by the Auto-Cycle Union at the request of the British Cycle and Motor Cycle Manufacturers and Traders Union, Ltd.,...
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Some Additional Contributions from our Readers in Connection with the Competition Organized by this Journal. D URING the past...
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for Body Panels and Floors I N connect4On with our recent competition for ideas for the promotion of safety in passenger...
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of the BRITISH FIGHTING FORCES M ANY of Our readers are familiar with the huts of the Navy and Army Canteen Board and the...
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River Severn Bridges. Merton-Kingston Road. Crossriver Traffic. M HERBERi MORRISON, Minister of Transport, is,eviderttly keen...
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the Disabled Vehicle M ANY operators of fleets of eommercial-motor vehicles are finding it advantageous to own breakdown...
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Notes on Every Aspect of Coach and Bus Development. OUT TO BREAK RECORDS. Improved Rolling Stock and a Better Understanding...
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A New Borg and Beck Clutch Incorporating a Shock-damping Device and a Driven Plate with a Flexible Periphery. , By means of...
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Interesting Contributions from Maintenance Engineers, Drivers and Mechanics. On Fitting Piston Rings. T HE fitting of piston...
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for Brakes and Steering Gears A N ingenious invention is described in patent No. 306,518, by the Servo Frein Dewandre Societe...
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construction is incontestably shown in this Albion user's experience. Writing recently, Messrs. Blu' thner & Co., Ltd., the...