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T cc HE plain fact is that, despite the skill and ingenuity of engineers and administrators all over the country, the...
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A LOT was going on at the Road Haulage Association's new offices when I called there to meet Robert (1 suspect all his friends...
Top People's Paper T HE top people, it seems, get mention in other publications than the paper for Top Peopleâin...
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FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT A CALL for a repeal of clauses in road' and rail traffic acts "which have created the...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT TRANSPORT policy is to get another 1 public airing when the Labour Party hold their annual...
AR. RUPERT SPEIR, M.P. for 1V1 Hexham, said at Bournemouth last week that it was "absolutely absurd" for the Government to...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT T HE one-week strike of nearly 3.000 van drivers employed by British Railways ended at...
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THE Mersey Tunnel Joint Committee has drawn up a new short list of candidates for the post of manager to the Mersey Tunnel...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT WITHIN weeks of the last wage claim IN being settled, it looks as if the bus industry is in...
From Our Parliamentary Correspondent THERE is to be no restrictionâexcept I a voluntary oneâon the number of commercial...
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Mr. N. L. Howell, General Manager, has been appointed to the board of The D.P. Battery Co., Ltd., of Bakewell, Derbyshire, Mr....
T HE long-distance rates guide issued recently by the Road Haulage Associ.ation was such a success that the first printing was...
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T HE decision on an application by the Midland " Red " company to increase . ares was reserved at a joint sitting of he East...
If No-one Objects T HE Metropolitan Licensing Authority, Mr. D. 1, R. Muir. who formally requested an applicant company to...
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A MEETING last Saturday decided to fix, definitely, the date of the proposed Croydon round for the Lorry Driver of the Year...
A N application by Ward and Company (Leicester), Ltd.. who applied to the Scottish Licensing Authority, Mr. W. F. Quin, to...
Q1NCE imports of heavy trucks to Argentina were freed at the end of 1960. A.B. Scania-Vabis. Skidertalje. Sweden, have obtained...
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MORTHERN CAR COLLECTION I SERVICE, East Kilbride, failed in an application before the Scottish L.A., Mr. W. F. Quin, at Glasgow...
A T Hanky last week, W. and J. Wass, of Longton, were granted four A and two B vehicles by the West Midland Licensing...
T HE 10th edition of " British Commercial Vehicles For The World " has been published by Temple Press Limited. This...
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their "sole means" of getting out of them was to increase fares. said Mr. Hubert Clifford Davies. the borough deputy ,...
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fares of stage carriage services operated by the BUrnley, Colne and Nelson Joint Transport Committee. will he increased, it is...
A N application by Mr. Charles Wright. of Penycae, was described as "a case of blackmail" at Wrexham last Monday, after the...
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S PECIAL tyres have been developed by the Goodyear 'Fire and Rubber Co., U.S.A.. for the latest express coaches being placed in...
P RELIMINARY work at the site of Vauxhall Motors' new factory at Hooton Park, Cheshire, is expected to start in July. The...
rOUR new industrial tractors have been I introduced by Massey-Ferguson. Coventry, two Of which have a novel type of...
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From our Parliamentary Correspondent DROTESTS at the likelihood that the . Road Traffic Billwill not become law during this...
THE Ministry of Transport is to start making tests under "field conditions" shortly to see whether some satisfactory system of...
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Unique Austrian Light 4 x 4 to be Imported into Great Britain at Below 000. Remarkable Crosscountry Performance Revealed on...
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Application of Electronic Control to the Farm Tractor and the Works Truck Prove the Potentialities of Automatic Movement of...
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What has happened to Dents is common knowledge among the majority of hauliers. They applied for additional facilities some two...
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C OMPARISON between the written judgement of the Transport Tribunal in the Merchandise Transport case and the earlier written...
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A NEW high-speed cutting-off machine has been introduced by Soag Machine Tools, Ltd., Jaxori Street, London, S.E.I I. The...
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Yorkshire Town's Loyalty to Trolleybuses is Mainly Due to Short, Heavilyladen Hilly Routes: Biggest Surplus from Trolleys in...
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nNE of the largest .applications of â-'interest in this week's statutory publications is the 16-vehicle bid by A. Price and...
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VOU report in your issue of June 9 the decision of the I House of Lords to make minor modifications to the Road Traffic Bill,...
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B Y a handsome win from the rest of the Class 13 drivers, W. A. McDonnell (Louis C. Edwards and Sons (Manchester), Ltd.), in a...
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In Their Mutual Interests Both Customer and Haulier Should Ensure that all Foreseeable Events are Covered in the Terms of...
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A SEMI-TRAILER with a normal length of 26 ft. which can be extended to 40 ft. for thecarriage of Icing self-supporting loads...
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IF the fine weather which blessed the iopening day of the International Construction Equipment Exhibition at Crystal PalaCe...