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'allot charge OR detectives are invesing allegations of ballot ig in the Transport and ral Workers Union 5/35 which have...
W QUOTA permit angements for UK - tugal traffic have been de with benefits for : operators who a rkge backloads for Poruese...
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EALING magistrates imposed a £75 fine on Tate and Lyle for overloading a Bedford TK van fitted with a Ceschi-type Primrose...
LEAVING a trailer ur tended for days on en, no better than leav £5,000 in banknotes public place, says Ai and Somerset police...
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'CIS Brown, 69, a former director of ide Carriers (1963) Ltd of Cleveland >een jailed after a corruption trial British Steel...
HAUL WHAT is it that analyses the reasons for the conflict between the WesternWorld and the Eastern bloc, deals with the sale...
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"RATHER more major" ansport Bill has been prosed by a Government kesman—in a future sesn. he words were used by roness...
REFUSAL of a driver to take out a load when instructed is a valid reason for dismissal and even if he anticipated failing to...
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WHAT WAS described as "a friendly arrangement without pay" for the employment of a transport manager with a Certificate of...
IMPORTS are growing faster than exports, concludes the latest financial survey published by Jordan and Sons this week. The...
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VI's Lorry Driver of the ar National Finals will be Id at Cranfield, Bedfordire on September 3. The new and larger venue 11...
A DEFECT which developed nine days after a mechanical inspection has led to a Muir of Ord firm being given a final warning by...
)MPANIES directly inlved in the carriage of uified petroleum gas ough the Mersey Tunnels ve been invited to write ectly to...
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FOREIGN makes outnumbered British commercial vehicles at last week's Essex County Show which attracted tens of thousands of...
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THE NEW engine to be released by Detroit Diesel Allison in 1980 (see CM last week) will be available to all chassis...
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HOW TO turn three old rigid tanks into two new artics for the price of one is a question which has been answered by Berkshire...
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ACHES and buses are ong the safest vehicles on e road and their accident te is not getting any worse. Psv users (driver or...
iE SCOTTISH Assembly 11 not be able to run its own tblic service vehicle licensing heme. Lork Kirkhill, Minister of ate at the...
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A PARTIAL grant for new continental tour facilities from the Northampton area is to be made by the East Midland Traffic...
COACH operators who are "funded" members of the Coach and Independent Bus Sector of Confederation of British Road Passenger...
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1E PROSPECT of a budget £4 0m a year on vehicle ares alone would excite my fleet engineers who are mpelled to exercise ingent...
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y ancni Vontgomerie ENOWN as a volume manufacturer of trailers has vantages and disadvantages. Advantages because eryone knows...
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Proven over millions of miles RIS Hudson (Groupage) , a company recently iched by the Chris HudGroup of Companies, will ays...
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;URPRISINGLY simple, cheap and effective method has In developed to solve the problem of surge in partly filled cl tankers, a...
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RIGID pantechnicons might be adequate for most domestic removals, but for out-ofthe-ordinary jobs, there is scope for...
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S THE tendency on the ontinent is to go for a 10-ton de, low-loaders will have to D for multi-axle designs as ayload...
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WHILE IN the UK we have been arguing the 3ros and cons of anti-jack-knife devices and heir desirability as a legal requirement...
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ried that the anti-jack-knife device might not only be incompatible, but also illegal under Federal laws, if used in...
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a &medal?, Your report on the Electric Vehicle Development Group's conference (June 2) was somewhat selective, and the...
I have been reading and collecting CM for several years now and have derived much pleasure from its contents. Unfortunately, I...
from the Electric Vehicle Development Group. ALAN ALDOUS, Chairman, Electric Vehicle Development Group, 59 Colebrooke Row,...
Every so often one of the "convert railways to roads" gents comes to the surface for one of their imagined shafts of light....
I refer to the letter from Mt M. A. Wilson of Dunfermlir and am surprised that other haulage contractors have ru written in...
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and poor braking spoil Maggie CM road rest by 1311 Brock-Hc - ures by Mike Loveridge maximum speed. Little wind and a fair...
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THE BRITISH Association of Removers is the smallest of the road transport trade associations — but small is beautiful, we're...
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IT SEEMED almost as if the delegates at the Government-sponsored road safety conference ii London last week were putting one of...
EUROPEAN Type Approval does not have a category suitabh for this "Super Boss" Kenworth. Powered by a Detroit Diese 12V-71...
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OR ALL its problems, the peration of 32-tonners is mall fry for some operators. hey are the people who ransport heavy...
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problems DTp that they need only submit details of the load, the route to be followed, and the serial number of the trailer to...
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byPreceptor Constant-mesh gearbox A FAIR degree of skill and judgment is required from the idriver of a motor vehicle to...
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riving mirrors the new law F NEW traffic laws are carefully analysed, one can usually e their purpose. They are generally...