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D ESPITE all that has been done in the motor industry and others to effect higher degrees of standardization, the results have...
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QUCCESSIVE appeal decisions make it clear that in the mind of the Appeal Tribunal the war years are an interlude in time that...
Ba lanc in g Special WITH the advent of mechanWheels Which Run VT ism running at extremely at Great Speeds . high speeds, true...
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Of someone saying: If the Bill isn't dropped, this Government should be." That a fleet of up-to-date taxicabs has lately been...
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D ESULTS of a series of 12 Gallup 1 \polls taken by the British Institute of Public Opinion to ascertain public opinion on the...
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N EWCOMERS to the industry figured in two appeals heard before the Appeal Tribunal last week In the first case Mr. H. G. Powell...
Engine Mounting O NE of the most important considerations in • the installation of an oil engine in a road vehicle is that of...
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MR. W. A. HUNT has been appointed to the board of Scammell Lorries, Ltd. He is also a director of R. Hunt and Co., Ltd. MR....
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The Transport and General Workers Union will hold a conference at Hastings from July 14-18. A sub-office of United Dominions...
the service offered to the public by the motor trader by creating an organization capable of dealing with the supply, repair...
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of the strains and stresses imposed in some of the major components of a chassis under operating conditions, are being made by...
A MONG exhibitors at the Royal irt Dublin Society's Spring Show and Irish Industries Fair were distributors for most of the...
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NEW CROSSLEY 43-SEATER FOR DUTCH RAILWAYS B ASICALLY similar to the Myercharged oiler described in "The Commercial Motor" on...
"!PON consideration of the Trans %) port Bill in Standing Committee during the wholly inadequate period allowed, of 56...
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STANDARDIZATION By H. J. Evans 0 NE of the most significant achievements during the war years was Britain's successful fight...
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T HE safety aspect of air conditioning for the driver's cab is a feature that has been specially emphasized in connection with...
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Says F. J. Erroll, M.A., A.MI.E.E., M.P., Conservative Member for Altrinch am and Sale T HE spectacle ot old Army lorries...
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LTHOUGH during the war the 1- Ministry of War Transport allowed large reels of paper to be carried by road because rail...
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By Ashley F. Taylor T HE history Of the Sheffield - gas' undertaking is closely linked with the industrial expansion of the...
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Some Questions and Answers By Major W. H. Goddard, I N effect, a gas turbine is an oil engine, in that it obtains its power...
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D URING the Public Transport Association Conference at Eastbourne, Mr. D. M. Sinclair, M.I.A.E., M.Inst.T., chief engineer of...
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N4 UCH maintenance work in connection with motor vehicles, particularly that necessarily involving the employment of expensive...
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F URNITURE warehousemen and removers follow a line peculiarly their own when they plan a conference. This .s appropriate,...
INFLEXIBILITY of the employees' section of the Central Wages Board seems to have brought about the necessity of the first...
A LARGE share of the time devoted to the conference was occupied by an extraordinary general meeting called to consider one...
Mr. Arthur G. Coombe, chairman of the Association's Transport Legislation Committee, was not so prolonged as might have been...
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Vulcan Oiler with 36-in. by8-in.Tyres,Built Within 3-ton Unladen Weight Limit and Pay Load Increased to 6i tons kfiOST...
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By A. W. HAIGH A.M.I.Mech.E. Q UIETNESS of operation and even tooth loading are dependent on many contributory factors, but a...
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F OR many years the process of centreless grinding was employed in connection with the straight-through grinding of bars and...
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Interesting Facts on the Continued Use of Asbestos-base Materials for Brake and Clutch Facings T HE future of friction brakes...
Halifax Profits by Experience Gained During Winter A YORKSHIRE experiment in ri mechanical loading of snow-shifting lorries,...
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TI-O E simplicity of she rotary-vane type f engine has always been attractive to inventors, and the latest effort in this...