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M ANY views have been expressed regarding the effects of the Road Traffic Act, 1930, upon passenger transport by road. In the...
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M ANY owners and drivers of commercial vehicles find some difficulty in understanding the position in respect of the hours . to...
suffer as the result of the ignorance, an the part of magistrates, of some technicality of road-transport law. A recent...
Mr. R. W. Sewill, M.A., chairman of the R.H.A., suggests a round-table conference on the Conciliation Board's findings. Page...
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Of much oil-engine gossip at Glasgow. That The Motor was instrumental in having the Royal Scot stopped at Rugby on Tuesday....
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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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A motor engineer was recently charged at Brigg, at the instance of the East Midland Licensing Authority, for " using " an...
The Ministry of Transport returns of persons killed or injured during the week ended November 10, 1934, show that in England 98...
The I3oard of Trade returns for OctoLer, 1934, show that the value of commercial vehicles, cars, chassis and accessories...
Rawtenstall Corporation has appointed Mr. John E. Ord as general manager of the bus department. Mr. J. B. Hall, who was for...
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The Scottish Carriers and Haulage Contractors Association, Ltd., has become affiliated to the Road Haulage Association, and in...
Court. An unusual prosecution was heard at Doncaster, on Monday, when a driver was summoned under the Road Traffic Act, 1934,...
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T HERE was considerable opposition at a sitting of the Yorkshire Licensing Authority, at Leeds, on Monday, to an application by...
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GLASGOW BUS-CONTRACT ALLEGATIONS REFUTED. The allegation that members of Glasgow Corporation had attempted to obtain a...
London County Council is to purchase 24 ambulances and three ambulance buses at a total estimated cost of £17,700. The police...
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Round-table Conference Suggested in Exclusive Interview with "The Commercial Motor t, IA A USEFUL suggestion for straightening...
By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent GRANT FOR PURCHASE OF TOLL BRIDGES? W HEN asked if he was satisfied with the...
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VANS for maximum loads Our Coachbuilding Expert Deals with Methods by which Pantech nicons may he Arranged to Facilitate...
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Aunicipal Motors T HE high degree of efficiency reached in the design and manufacture of special machines for municipal work...
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THE METHODS OF AN IMPORTANT CITY T HE deputy city engineer of Leicester, Mr. J. E. Lewis, A.M.Inst.C.E., presented a paper...
I N his paper, "Some Principles to be Observed in the Organization of a Modern Cleansing Department," Mr. R. J. Watson,...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [4427j Sir,—Many calls have been made recently for the sinking of individual difference, and...
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [4428] Sir,—We are having a certain amount of trouble with platforms not standing up to our...
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Strong Speeches by Earl Howe and well-known Members of the Industry T HE autumnal dinner of the Furniture Warehousemen and...
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O NSePtember 7 last, a preliminary description was given of a new hydraulic trailer-coupling and braking mechanism made by the...
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as Revealed by the Scottish Show F AR-FAMED for its bad weather and its good whisky, Scotland is likely to achieve a further...
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T HE dinner of the Scottish Motor Trade Association, which celebrated the 33rd annual Show in Scotland, was held last Monday,...
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IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENT IN AIR MAILS. r- I N November 9 we foreshadowed 4 .s/further developments with regard to Imperial air...
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T HE collection and disposal of refuse in Paris is, like other municipal services in the city, carried out on the contract...
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0 NIX a few years ago there were many who. held the opinion that the petrol engine as a power unit . for road vehicles would...
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T HE British Road Federation has recently submitted to the Minister of Transport a memorandum relating to proposals for dealing...
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)DGE 3 -TONNER Proves the Practical Value of careful Design A RECENT addition to the Dodge range is a new 3-ton chassis, and...
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Trade Conditions Good. Tinplate Demand Improved. Cotton and Wool Business Brighter. Hosiery Haulage Pros T "general state of...
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T HE hearing of. some 100 applica- liens by the East Kent Road Car Co., Ltd., many of them concerned. with the introduction of...
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B REACH of agreement by Grimsby Corporation was alleged on behalf of the LincolnshireRoad Car Co., Ltd., during the hearing of...
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A Material that is an Efficient Substitute for Ash for Framework at Lower Cost By a Tirnberman THE statement, which appeared...
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HAULIER and CARRIER The New Speed Limits Will Bring About Changed Conditions Regarding the Relative Value of the...
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A METHOD of ascertain ing the weight of the load on a vehicle by means of a built-in apparatus is shown in patent No. 416,063...