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ECENT events outside the control of operators _ precipitated an attack, this week, on " charity " fares in South Wales. Eight...
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F OR what all drivers and riders hope will be the last time, " Track Up " signs are being seen in London once again. This time...
Measuring Tread. Wear A N interesting application of atomic energy is the use of radio-active. materials to determine the...
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Some sighs of relief, That the Q-type chassis was prematurely abandoned. That horse-power now seems more plentiful than...
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I N the House of Commons, last week, Lord Tcynham asked the Government to authorize the British Transport Commission, as an...
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W THEN applications were made to the South Wales Licensing Authority, at Swansea, on Tuesday, by eight South Wales bus...
T WO Guy one-Man-operated 43-seat underfloor-engined single-deckers are to be experimemed with by Huddersfield Transport...
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rOMMERCIAL VEHICLE output kr rose sharply in September, but the rate of export was lower than in August. September's weekly...
• MR, PERCY W. HOWARD has been appointed managing director of the British Tyre and Rubber Co„ Ltd. MR. H. A. WATKINSON has...
A SCHEME to purchase 190 doubledeckers at an approximate cost of £760,000 is being considered by Liverpool Transport Committee,...
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Appeals Against Scotland — London Services of Northern Roadways IT is quite apparent that the undisguised intention of the...
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Manchester and Sunder l and Fares and Up : Dundee to Appeal : Edinburgh Applies R ECENT decisions on the applications of...
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O N Wednesday, the Central Fares Committee discussed the recommendations of the Regional Fares committees which in the past few...
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extend a route through West Bridgford to a housing estate being . developed at Clifton was strongly opposed before the East...
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available will be a petrol engine and a vaporizing oil unit_ The major components, including the one-piece cylinder block and...
DNEUMATIC governors of the type 1 which depend for their action upon differences in pressure in the air-intake pipe are not...
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A S the Building Exhibition, which closes at Olympia, London, tomorrow, has not the support of the Society of Motor...
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H OW simple life would be if it conformed to the unsophisticated ideas of Mr. G. R. Strauss! He sees the political struggle as...
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A LTHOUGH single-deck buses with a capacity for 20 or more standees are employed to overcome heavy traffic peaks in practically...
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Road Transport Cannot be Considered in Isolation : Railway Inertia Must be Overcome by Stimulating Internal Competition: Better...
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B ODYWORK offered scope for the use of alternative materials, because those that were scarce had to go into the harder -...
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N O doubt some operators nurse the opinion that far too much is made of the need for preserving a fine limit of alignment of...
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TWO of the objectors to , the British 1 Transport .Commission's draft passenger charges scheme last week claimed that the...
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H AVING read the report concerning the plan of the Road Haulage Association for the denationalization of road haulage, I feel...
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By Arthur R. Wilson, M.I.R.T.E. J UBILATION at the return of a Conservative Government to power must be tempered by the...
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A CORRESPONDENT writing about an article of mine which appeared in the issue dated September 28, in which 1 discussed the RH/D...
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T O mechanize the numerous minor transporting jobs on a building site is the primary object of a small vehicle shown in patent...
during cornering, is the object of .a device shown in patent No. 657,803, by F. Randle and Crossley Motors, Ltd., Errwoocl...