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Editor: EDWARD S. SHRAPNELL-SMITH. Vol. XVIII. No. 450. 23rd October, 1913, Small-van Developments. We learn of new inquiry...
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By the Editor. I have been deeply interested—in COITIMOD with all motorists—by the proposals which have been widely discussed...
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Of important new Austrian-Daimler moves, That it's net a motor show at Olympia, Paris. That repairs well done mean service...
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Written After a Visit to Aldershot.—By an Occasional Contributor. Still they roll up To-day [Monday of last week.— ED.]...
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Some Fine Climbing in Kent. The Dorman Engine under Difficult Conditions. Our brief current report of the progress of the...
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Birkenhead Town Council may seek motorbus powers. Nuneaton Town Council has decided to buy motorbuses. A Karrier prison van...
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Few Novelties and Unprogressive Designs. Few Steel Road Wheels. No Cast Radiators. No Chain Gearboxes. A Solitary Worm-driven...
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses. The Surveyor for the Yorkshire District,...
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The Trial of the Paris Show. Curzon and the Crimea. Murky Manchester and Grey Glasgow. I was reminded the other day of one of...
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Are Tractors Too Powerful? The Editor, TEE COMMERCIAL 110TOR. [1256] Sir,—" . Verax's" most-ingenuous letter [No. 1254] in...
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Fine Weather and Prosperous Industries Bring Good Business to Owners of Up-to-date Vehicles. A Growing Demand for 16 - Seaters....
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A Distinct Demand for Small Private-hire Machines. THE LLANDUDNO MOTOR AND GARAGE Co., LTD., the Red Garage.—This company, of...
Fifteen Dennis and Five More to Come. THE LLAN DUDNO AL:T07.10 ETI. 11 TOURING Co., LT17. , Mostyn Broadway,—Elsewhere in this...
MT. JAMES WRIGLEY, Motor Garage, Edward Street.—Ono of our illustrations on the next page is of a mixed fleet of charsa-banes...
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Trips to Dartmoor Convict Prison. 1915 Not So Good as 1912. THE TEIONMOUTH MOTOR CAR Co., LTD., 6, Bank Street,— This South...
The Use of Smaller Machines. ArTOCARS, TIPRACO.MBE, LTD., 120 High Street. — This concern was formerly known as the Ilfracombe...
Trips up to 157 Miles. Wonderful Absence of Accidents. THOMAS COPP, 119, High. Street—This favourite Devonshire holiday resort...
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SOUTH DEVON GARAGE AND MOTOR TOURING CO., LTD., Market Street.—This company purchased its first Comunercar in 1911. Another...
THE BRISTOL TRAMWAYS AND CARRIAGE CO. LTD., has a branch, amongst other towns, at the seaside pleasure resort,...
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Use Two for Hunt Meets in Winter. Messrs. SKTNNRRS, 18, Western Road.—The members of this firm are well-known jobmasters and...
An Account of the Operations ol Two Popular Local Fleets. Rhyl is situated on the L.N.W.Rly. main line to Holyhead, about 209...
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The N.E.R. Co.'s Services are also Prominent Here. MESSRS. J. ROBINSON AND SON, West Mount Mews, Westborough.--This company...
Owners of Machines Built by Themselves. JONES Bitos., North Parade and Pier Street.—The machines belonging to these owners are...
Experience Dating Back Seven Years. BRIGHTON, HOVE AND PRESTON UNITED OMNIBUS CO., - LTD., 63, Conway Street, Hove.—This...
BEAUDIARIS AND DISTRICT MOTOR CAR CO., LTD., Avondale. —This Welsh company is the local agent for the London and North Western...
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A Regular Service between Margate and Ramsgate. FRENCH, BANISTER AND CO., LTD., PI( asa: t Place, Cliftonville.—This company...
BANGOR MOTOR SERVICE, LTD. : 49, Ballymagee Street and Holborn Avenue.—Another owner of Dennis chara-k-bancs is disclosed here....
VENTNOR ROAD CARS, LTD., the Country House.—This company, of which Mr_ Harry Barton is secretary, has only been floated this...
MARK BRYANT, Southcliff Stables, Exeter Road.—This business was started in 1886 with a single hersecab. In 1909 there were 32...
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Mr. A. H. KENNEDY HENRY, Ardwell Stores.—Mr. Henry owns three single-deck motorbuses, which, perhaps, cannot strictly be...
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Superheated Steamers as Charsa-bancs. A. H. CREET EL AND SONS, NatleStOne. —The fleet which is operated by these owners is of...
A Altditm•ixe Lace in Walcs. The CEMAES MOTOR AND GENERAL Aukucv..—mr. T. L. Jones, the manager of this company, writes to us...
Used Alternatively for Goods and Passengers. AVERY AND ROBERTS, LTD., 148-154, Mount Pleasant. —This company runs a fleet of...
We have received numerous communications on the important subject of " all in" costs. We are particularly asked to treat...
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'Mr. T. E. Harrison Tells Us about Waring's Long Distance Delivery. We have followed on behalf of this journal, for several...
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, ',•nMU''' , M1CM\NVOZNMU=Mall Where to Buy your Supplies. The Lighting of the Vehicle. Owners are at the present time quite...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY is paid for the best communication received, and one penny a line of ten words for anything else...
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Mushroom Valve Adjustment. Assisting the Water Circulation. J. TAN BOOT DONK, No. 27,099, dated 25th November, 1912. —The stem...