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24th December 1908
24th December 1908
Page 1
Page 1, 24th December 1908

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Does the Manufacture of Commercial Motors Pay ?

The closing year has witnessed a not inconsiderable amount of grumbling in manufacturing circles, and that fact prompts us to...

Christmas Parcels by Motor.

At no time of the year is the value of motor transport more appreciated than in the course of the pressure which falls upon all...

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Old Pleasure Chassis, Depreciation, and Skilled Drivers.

By Henry Sturrney. I have before now in these columns remarked on the damage to the commercial-vehicle industry which the use...

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Important Statistics.

The Royal Automobile Club has compiled a complete return of all classes of motorcars, both light and heavy, as at the eoth...

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From Our Berlin Correspondent.

I learn that the Gaggenau firm has sold to the Metz garrison a wagon for the transport of meat. The automobile is used daily...

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The Motor Omnibus World.

The Middlesbrough Corporation is discussing the question of motorbus and trackless-trolley services. Keighley Town Council has...

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The Latest Paper on Motor Omnibuses.*

With an audience which numbered about too, Mr. E. F. Boult read a paper on " Motor Omnibuses " before the Junior Institution of...

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News and Comment.

This journal fosters, represents, and chronicles commercial motoring in all its branches; it has the largest and best...

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War Office Activity.

An Account of the First Practical Experiment of the War Office in the Use of Motorbuses for the Transport of Troops. News has...

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6ome Possibilities of the Internal-Combustion Turbine.*

In considering the possibilities of a gas turbine it has Tin/only been assumed the' the gas should be burned with nething, near...

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Notes on, and Drawings of, a Four-cylindc Petrol Engine.

We commented, in our issue of the 28th May last, on an up-to-date book on " Machine Design, Construction, and Drawing " by...

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The Editor invites :correspondence on all subjects connected with the use ol commercial motors. Letters should b,. on one side...

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Contributions from Drivers and Mechanics.

Ten Shillings Weekly for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Lii of ten words for anything else published....

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Out and Home.—By " The Extractor."

Mr. Penrose Green, the head and refront of Thomas Green and Co., td., of Leeds, has just left with his .mily for Egypt, and...

Conditions for Second Winnipeg Trials.

July 71h to I7th of next year will tness another International Competi m at Winnipeg. The rules and con;ions are : i. The...

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Patents Completed.

Complete specification of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom upon receipt of eightpence...