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Vol. XX. No. 511. Editor: EDWARD S. SHRAPNELL-SMITH. 24th December, 1914. NOT THROUGH BELGIUM. Germany probably now wishes...
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The Claim of Pleasure-car Agents. "The sale of commercial vehicles of all classes can best be effected through accredited...
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—The following Rumours, of which the Press Bureau has no Confirmation, but to the Publication of which, we imagine, it will...
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Satisfactory Position Before Christmas. £1029 Already Subscribed. 18,563 Individual Gifts (125 Cases)• Already Delivered or on...
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I "Rotten Row," at a Repair Base, Somewhere in France—Captured German Lorries—Shortcomings of the B-type in Warfare—Tire...
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Their Crystallization Points, Relative Viscosities and Effect on Engine Knocking. In the course of an interesting paper on the...
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The Difference Betvveen Paeumatic and Solid-tire Problems. The Need for Ample Sections. British Value for Money. In recent...
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This journal, dealing as it does with the "Chariots of War," no less than with the "Wheels of Industry," is now of national...
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A Semi-Subsidy Model. First Particulars of the New Palladium Three-Tonner—Rhinoceros-Hide Universals—Unusual Brakes and Clutch...
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Steel Wheels from Schaffhausen. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [1384] Sir,—In your issue of the 3rd inst. (page 245),...
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[1387] " W.E.C." (Adelaide, S. Australia) writes :— "I am sending another letter for your interesting columns, of information...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY is paid for the best communication received, and one penny a line of ten words for anything else...
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Wolseley Springing. Berwick Steering Gear. An Improved Sparking Plug. Rolls-Royce Piston Construction. THE WOLSRI,EY TOOL AND...