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Is Licensing Authority Competent to Consider Haulage Services Run on Continent? W ITH the coming of the European free trade...
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R EVISED regulations intended to make the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition fairer to all contestants are now under review....
Use of Oil-insulated Coils I GNITION coils of the oil-filled type are becoming increasingly popular with vehicle users. They...
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That rubber from the Biting estates should give a good grip on the roads. That "spoil within 15 miles" in a recent application...
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F INES totalling .£50 were imposed at Glossop, on Monday, on a concern of motor dealers who admitted five charges of making...
Licensing Authority Upholds Power to Consider Continental Operations : Charges Questioned R. W P. JAMES, West Midland...
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rHANGES in the regulations for the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition are to be recommended to the national organizing...
THE first of a fleet of 300 Leyland underfloor-engined buses was handed over to the Netherlands Railways in Amsterdam last week...
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MR. T. E. Porrs has been appointed a managing director of the British Oxygen Co., Ltd. MR. J. KIRKLAND has been appointed...
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A S forecast exclusively in The Commercial Motor last week, the unions have now made an application to the Road Haulage Wages...
XPORTS of commercial vehicles totalled 123,283 last year, compared with 126,984 in 1956, according to preliminary figures...
E XCLUSIVE rights to operate over the 1 --A new Clifton Bridge, Nottingham, have been granted to Nottingham Corporation by the...
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survival by the Llandudno and Colwyn Bay Electric Railway, Ltd., after difficulties over a £50,000 bill for removing tram track...
A LARGE bundle of "supporting letters " which was handed to the Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. J. H. E. Randolph, in...
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W ORK on the London-Yorkshire motorway will start in two months and will be completed by the end of October, 1959, the Ministry...
A LTHOUGH the prosecution agreed r -1 that there were mitigating circumstances, a Perthshire lorry driver was last week...
T HE transport industry had not progressed as far as manufacturing industry in applying work study to obtain better...
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B ECAUSE his brother-in-law had gone to Nigeria, a Flintshire coach operator was unable to produce a written document from him...
G RANTING a B licence for a lowloader to T. Armstrong, Ltd., Cockermouth, last week, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, Northern Licensing...
'THE introduction by the Metropolitan I Police of a radar Speedmeter, on Monday was preceded by a demonstration of the...
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('LAIMING that an associate company, who manufactured bricks, were being inconvenienced by sub-contractors, Bunny Hill Motors,...
F OR half the amount to be spent on railway modernization, 20,000 miles of modern roads could be built along the existing lines...
R OAD transport links between Britain and the Continent will be considerably expanded soon, according to Mr. John Bustard,...
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THROUGHOUT Europe in 1956 the number of private cars and motorycles grew substantially, -- whilst large buses increased only...
A SPECIAL meeting of Lincoln City I -1 Council, to discuss the serious position of their transport undertaking, was suggested...
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inefficient, John Hutchinson and Son (Haulage). Ltd., Dunfermline, last week asked the Scottish Licensing Authority to add five...
T o be sold at competitive prices, standard types of semi-trailer are to be sold by Taskers of Andover (1932), Ltd., in lengths...
from Sheffield to London Airport was described at Leeds, last week, as "a marathon or endurance test." Mr. T. B. Atkinson, for...
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W HEN Mr. E. F. Gait, general man ager of Johannesburg Municipal Tramways, told me almost three years ago that tenders had...
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TRANSPORT difficulties were affecting recruitment for the coal and steel ndustries in the Wrexham area, the 4orth Western...
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D ESIGNED to transport the Freightercoach aircraft fuselage over a short distance at a low speed, a 53-ft.-long trailer, built...
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k PREPARATION which is claimed to k obviate rust throughout the life of a hide has been introduced by Corrosion, d., 16...
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Soviet Constructors Favour Supercharged Engines for High-speed Coaches, But Petrol Units Are Retainea for Some Purposes : Large...
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Bird's Eye View By The Hawk I MAKE no apology for referring again this week to Wallace Arnold (Tours), Ltd., because...
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Mr. C. W. Quick Smith on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Large-scale Road Haulage A LL British Road Services teleprinter...
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F ORMING part of a symposium on pressure groups in Britain, a painstaking account by Prof. S. E. Finer of the origins,...
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Four Methods of Cakulating Depreciation Compared: Theory Must Be Blended with Practical Experience T AST week I stressed the...
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\4 ORE importance was attached to noise levels inside vehicles by hitish and American buyers than :lontinental, and many...
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A CCORDING to patent No. 787,705 tyre wear is caused by the tread creeping with respect to the ground, both in the direction of...