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D RITISH justice has been universally respected S for . its impartiality, but, so far as the road user is concerned, it is now...
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Russia Developing IT is believed that the authoriAlcohol as a Motor I ties vin Russia are attaching Fuel great importance to...
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Following the announcement made last week by the Government, the Ministers of Labour and Transport have now appointed the...
The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of (rampart, al Whatever paints arising, as a carriage is by the...
CURNITURE removals by rail under A licences, when cheap fares were granted to the families removing, were declared to be...
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A question of the effect of the road haulage of pipes on railway traffic of a similar character was raised before Mr. J. H....
WHEN the final day's hearing of the YV application by Stevenson Transport, Ltd., for A licences for four tractors and three...
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Import and export returns for last month are encouraging. The value of commercial vehicles, cars, chassis and accessories...
Dudley Watch Committee is buying an Austin ambulan cc. Hampton Urban District Council requires a. refuse collector. — Cwmbran...
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The first EaSt Midland traffic court to be held in camera was conducted by Mr, J. H. Stirk in Leicester, on Tuesday, to hear an...
ATA T Bristol, last week, the Western Authority, represented by Mr. R. P. Holloway, prosecuted Messrs. Knee Bros., of Bristol,...
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Complaints that haulage concerns are failing, despite warnings, to observe conditions as to wages and hours, resulted in a...
of three A.E.C. Matador Mark II chassis recently ordered by the Egyptian Government. The vehicles have been modified for work...
R EGISTRATIONS of new commercial vehicles in May, 1936, went up with a jump, compared with the figures for May, 1935....
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Inconsistency of Argument in Applications for Increased Tonnage Glossed Over, Under the Guise of Implementing Public Policy and...
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Woods of High Publicity Value Suitable for the Construction and Decoration of Commercial-vehicle Bodywork By a Timberman A...
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Exhibits Economy and Efficiency Road Test No. 242 O PPOSED cylinders, arranged horizontally, have so much to • recommend them...
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WELDING is one of the many imW portant scientific processes which have made great advancement during the past few years. In...
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Some Stories of the Extraordinarily Low Rates at Which Road Haulage Contractors are Still Content to Work I N the course of my...
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IN our issue dated February 14 last we described a new method of oil filtration developed by Metafiltration Co., Ltd.,...
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Well-trained Driver Keen Selection of Applicants and the Institution of Thorough Tests are Important N OT long ago anyone...
are that it should carry outits work effectively to the necessary 'degree whilst causing the minimum amount of obstruction and,...
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Lorry and Van Body Designs for the Milk and Other Trades, Ensuring Safe and Speedy Loading and Unloading I N the wholesale...
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Investigations by the Institute for Research in Agricultural Engineering and the Experience of Users Augurs Well for the...
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and QUERIES The Editor invites correspondence on ail subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should he...
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In Parliament By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent NATIONAL DEFENCE AND ROAD TRANSPORT. T WO interesting questions...
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Passenger Transport LANCS MERGER DEAD A s forecast in The Commercial lifotol a fortnight ago, the scheme for the...
J TJDGMENT was given by Lord Carmont, in the Court of Session, last Friday,, in an action by W. Alexander and Sons, Ltd.,...
A FTER a protracted dispute between the United Counties Omnibus Co., Ltd., and its employees, which resulted in a strike in...
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(IN Tuesday, Bristol Corporation V./considered two schemes for the purchase of the city tramways system. A decision was reached...
T HAT conncils stlould refrain from passing resolutions on councillors' unsupported statements was an opinion expressed at...
O N Tuesday, the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners granted Halifax Corporation consent to operate a motorbus service between...
H ULL Corporation's trolleybus Bill has received Royal Assent. Complete conversion from tram to trolleybus operation is...
L AST September the railways banned " .Hutchinson's A-Z Time-tables," because they contained details of competing services....
A N appeal for the support of the travelling public in a protest against tours restrictions is being made by the Lancashire •...
T HE Minister of Transport has dismissed an appeal by the Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., against a refusal to grant a...
I N future, the Traffic Commissioners are likely, in dealing with proposed revisions to fare lists, to call conferences of...
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T wOpatents are disclosed, this week, by S. A. Adolphe Saurer, of Arbon, Switzerland, each describing improvements. in the...