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COLLOWING our recent remarks —on saving rubber, it may be as well to stress the points which will make for greater economy and...
How Buses Responded TN Southern England a lowto the Roll of the 'flying aircraft recently carried Drum away, without damaging...
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That all bodybuilders are not protpins. • Nevertheless, that in war time they are sometimes called upon to be protean. That...
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TRANSPORT WORKERS' DEMAND FOR INCREASE T 11E Road Haulage Central Wages Board met recently to consider the transport workers'...
T HE Executive Committee of the re-organized Standing Joint Cornmittee of Road Hauliers' National Associations met on July 15,...
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F ROM the National Conference of Express 'Carriers comes an advance report on the year's work, which' was presented at the...
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T 1IE M. of W.T. has recently sent to trade associations, for their observation, a letter in which he refer* to representations...
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RATES STABILIZATION By H. Scott Hall, M.I.A.E., M.I.T.A. Price Control will be an After-the-war Principle. The Haulage...
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Dublin Operator Using Anthracite and Charcoal Mixture with Water . Filter Obtains "Truly Amazing Results?' from...
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Centrifugal Force . Causes Angular Displacement of the Bulk of the Vehicle in Relation to its Axles. This is Called Body .Roll,...
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A Young Engineer Gives His Ideas which Include a Horizontal Engine and Independently Sprung Wheels M Y views as to what will...
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to Mass-produce Producers Practical Plan Put Before Important Gathering of Transport Personnel and Received With General...
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How a Cheshire Firm of Public Works Contractors and Hauliers Have Built Up an Efficient and Progressive Business T RAVELLING...
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aroused by the reference to a 'device for engine governing by short-circuiting the lit. current, which appeared on our Patents...
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ROAD TRANSPORT TREATED AS A STOP GAP TRAFFIC movement by road in this area, except for aerodrome construction and a certain...
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A Risurne of Patent Specifications that Have Recently Beeta Published A N inner tube that gives the tyre two " lives in...