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An increasing number of enquiries is being made about the prospects of real competition between the motorvan and the one-horse...
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A Few Notes on the Comparative Performances of Light and Motors and Horse Haulage for Farm Work. By an Agriculturist. There...
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Continuation of Extracts from Governors Reports. " I am confident that the transport problem in Uganda (lin be satisfactorily...
Wm. Foster $1 Company, Limited, of Lincoln, introduces a New Spring-suspension System, and Exhibits a Tractor so Fitted at the...
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A New 40,000-gallon Installation or Mex Spirit in London. Of the greatest moment to all metropolitan users of petrol is the...
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Considerable ingenuity has been exercised by the makers of the "Commer Car" industrial vehicles in order to facilitate the easy...
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The Cardiff City Council, at its meeting on the 15th inst., decided to advertise for offers of a motorbus service to and from...
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Mr. Richard Dunn, Secretary of the Liverpool Horse Carriage Owners' Association, announces that his association has decided to...
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This journal in exclusively read by the principals of many wealthy commercial houses, by the heads of important Government and...
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By "7 - 12e extractor 44 It was a coincidence that I should be in Glasgow at the start of the Scottish Trials for pleasure...
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Including First-published Details of New Lorries and Tractors. WRITTEN AFTER A STAND-TO-STAND INSPECTION. Gloucester has no...
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Twelve tractorsâone only with a. single cylinderâand 10 steam wagons are presented by 15 makers. The collection is...
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Messrs. J. T. Williams and Co., 344, Newtown Row, Birmingham, were early in the field with a self-contained equipment for the...
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The Editor invites correspondenc e on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should . be on one side...
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A Selected Collection of Extracts from the British and Foreign Press. "Clayton de Ransomes." Writing of the Foden wagon, "La...
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Our readers will be informed by the Eclitw. on any points connected the construction or use of commercial motors. Where a...
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Ten Shillings Weekly for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for anything else published....
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International Polacks. We have received from the Polack Tyre and Rubber Company, Limited, 31-34, Basinghall Street, W.C., a...
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom upon receipt of eightpence...