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0 THE BRITISH manufacturer we put the question: are you preparing your position for the great attack on September 1st? We are...
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An Invigorating Spectacle Suggestive of Healthy Trade Revival. T HERE BE FEW who have not, looking forward to this "Royal,"...
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Of Welsh wails. . Still more of that engine. That the Shell is opened again. Of the arrival of the Ford char-k-bancs. That...
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"The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all dialculties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage i8 by the...
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How Commercial Vehicles have Aided in the Development of the World's First Coal Port. C ARDIFF being, as it is, the centre...
Motor char-a-bancs services are extremely-popular in South Wales. This is readily understandable when one considers the beauty...
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The Worm Turns Again. Tyre Guarantees., I SUPPOSE the commercial-vehicle industry is littre if any different from other topics...
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Complete Report of the Exhibits of Power - driven Vehicles, Agrimotors, and Adaptations of the Internal - combustion Engine to...
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Embodying Forward and Reverse Pawls and an Automatic Differential Lock Which Acts in Either Direction. By. Henry Sturrney. T...
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The Influence of Power Haulage in the Development of Implements. T HE DEVELOPMENT of the agricultural tractor during recent...
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HERE IS one consideration that may make the . motor proprietor inclined to hope for slow development commercial aeronautics....
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P RACTICALLY every motorcar factory in the Paris district is closed because of the ?angineers' strike. This dispute originated...
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No. 6.—Exhibitions and the Royal Show in Particular. T MUST NOT be imagined that exhibitions, con I . sisting of or comprising...
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The Function of the Oil Film ; Choice of _Lubricants and Testing for Suitability. L UBRICATION MEANS the introduction of a...
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Some Topical Notes and Comments. T HE FACT that we all knew that the Atlantic would be crossed by air in one flight before...
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A PRIZE OF TEN SEtILLINGS is awarded each weekto the sender of the best letter which we publish an this page all othera are...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications. Specification No. 126,467 describes an interesting fitting which can be...