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Motor engineers are busy, but veterinary surgeons are slack. There are fewer and fewer good posts to go round in the horse...
There has, of late years, been a growing dissatisfaction amongst engineers with the methods by which the affairs of some...
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It is seldom that we have occasion to object to tile attitude of " The Daily Graphic " upon motor topics : the gentleman who...
At last week's conference of delegates appointed by certain Metropolitan borough councils, which took place at die Battersea...
IN it not time that the public insisted, if from no other motive than a desire to see fair play, that the motorbus shall be...
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By H. Howard Humphreys, M.I.Mech.E. (Continued from page 25.) Dilapidated Bridges. It will be advisable, now, to summarize...
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An interesting but winewhat-inconelusive discussion on the above subject was opened, by Mr. G. 11. Bai!lie, at the _Royal...
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Motor-post Linea for Tourists ; in Bavaria. Tourists in Bavaria should bear in mind that, during the summer months, State...
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News contributirin, , , air inrited : payment wiq be made on publication, A further 400 omnibus horses were sold in Landon last...
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Harrogate is reported to have decided to purchase a Merryweather engine with "Hatfield " pump. Merton (Surrey) U.D.C. recently...
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This journal has by far the largest and best circulation—i.e., total of subscribers' orders and actual sales through...
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News contributions are invited: payment will be made OA publication. In Dilatory Dublin. Mr. Wm. J. WaxMau's, a member of the...
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The Master Patent of George B. Selden. Although the existence of the Se lden patent is, of course, well known in England, it...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters hould be on one side of...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for any thing else published....
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom upon receipt of eightpence...