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D URING the early days of the motor vehicle it was oensidered justifiable to give the driver employed by a purchaser some gift...
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Preventing Excessive A PPARENTLY plating Wear Through Many r - Ipistons with tin is not such Cold Starts . a temporary measure...
Of growing tension between steel and light-alloy interests. That no one can steal the fundamental claims for light metals....
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IT will probably be some little time /before the report of the Transport Advisory Council on the railways' application for a...
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MR. 0. C. POWER, J .P lel .INST.T., has been re-elected chairman of the Birmingham Horse and Motor Vehicle Owners' Association...
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of the week (continued) EXPERIENCED FLEET MANAGER REQUIRED FOR INDIA. ri A HAULAGE concern in Calcutta operating 22 lorries...
Belfast Corporation is buying two A.E.C. ro ey Me& Wallasey Corporation is buying four Leyland single-deck buses. Hull...
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BLOW TO TYNE TUNNEL PLAN. T HE Minister of Transport has informed South Shields Town Council and Tynemouth Town Council that...
All - steel 4 cubic yd. Bodies With Twin-ram Tipping Gear, Designed for Heavy Service in the Gold Coast Colony THE machines...
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An Attempt to Establish a Principle in Dealing With Objections to A Licences. Reference to the Road-Rail Pact an Important...
of The Commercial Motor will be published next week. It will contain concise specifications of all classes of municipal...
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connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be written on only one side of the paper. The right of abbreviation...
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Blackstone Concern Introduces Outfit Which Can Handle Liquids Containing Solid Matter A PORTABLE pumping set built, primarily,...
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Ease of Replenishment a Prominent Feature of a Well designed instrument TT is probably correct to say that the 'average...
New Registrations No Marked Change in the Prevailing Tendency in Respect of Goods-vehicle and Hackney Returns A LTHOUGH the...
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A Morris-Commercial 2-ton Chassis Forms the Basis of an Interesting Fire-fighting Vehicle B ASED on a Morris-Commercial 2-ton...
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Solving the Problems of the Carrier For the Protection of the Haulier of Livestock, and for that of His Customers, it is Most...
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over an area of i,000 square miles of 47 Vehicles Responsible for Maintaining an atial Service in Northampton and District....
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in New Lightweight Goods Body S COME interesting developments in the construction of lightweight goods bodies have recently...
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The Relative Merits of the Two-stroke and Fourstroke Systems are Exercising the Minds of Many Designers Throughout the World...
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Service to the Public Must Come First 1.1AD the warfare between road and 1 /rail continued it would have brought disaster to...
(I N Friday of last week the Eastern. ‘.."Area of A.R.O. held its annual dinner, when a representative gathering met at...
Earl Howe made public reference to the B.R.F.'s views on the road-rail question when he spoke to St. Marylebone Chamber of...
A Large number of West Cornwall members of the transport industry gathered at Camborne, last week, for the annual dinner of...
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on Their Dignity" r OMPLAINT of the slowness of many C-licence holders in the Yorkshire Traffic Area in returning the...
costs expert, made his third visit to the Northern Area of A.R.O. and addressed five meetings of haulage contractors. The...
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The Chances for British Vehicles in Canada are on the Increase and the Statistics for Past Months Should Offer Encouragement to...
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PROGRESS OF PLATING REGULATIONS WHAT steps, asked Sir Frank VI' Sanderson, had been taken to give effect to the recommendations...
holders, and the conversion of redundant railways into roadways were foreshadowed in discussion at a meeting of the Leeds...
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The DeIowa Apparatus In Which Gas Under Pressure is Admitted to the Cylinder at the End of the Compression Stroke by a Novel...
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THE London and North-Eastern rail1 way company was criticized by Mr. J. H. Stirk, when he presided over an East Midlands...
WHEN an application by Worthing VY Ltd., of Stafford, came up for hearing at an East Midland passenger traffic court, held in...
T HE National Executive of the Transport and General Workers Union has granted permission to members in the employment of the...
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A DRAFT of the Public Service .1 - 1‘Vehic1es (Contract Carriage Records) Regulations, which the Minister proposes to make in...
A N announcement by Mr. R. Stuart Filcher, transport manager of Manchester Corporation, that it is expected to abolish trams...
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SPEEDOMETERS ON BUSES REQUEST D URING the hearing of a " speedLing " case at Port Talbot county police court last week, it was...
rr'H E accompanyin g illustrations show the new Duilex 1 system of glazing, as introduced by the Rawlin g s Manufacturing Co.,...
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A Resume of Patent Specifications that Have Recently Been Published P No. 500,605 deals with an overspeed gear of. the type in...