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24th March 1978
24th March 1978
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Page 1, 24th March 1978

Page 5

St plate surance om DTp

GOVERNMENT last gave an assurance that 11 lorries which have lost plating details will have brought into testing stabefore new...

Free choice for industry call

IN A SCATHING attack on the environmental lobby, Road Haulage Association national chairman Jack Male told British industry...

Testing £7.8million

LEYLAND Vehicles opened its new £7.8 million diesel engine test facility claimed to be the most modern of its type in the world...

Page 6

Rural bus trials get started

• THE PROGRAMME of rural transport experiments is well under way, reported John Horam, Under Secretary for Transport, in the...

Govt double

011 THE GOVERNMENT is about to suggest to the TGWU a course of action over lorry drivers who lose their licences because they...

More lai

gives up ANOTHER company hg cided to end its tran activities because of ti creasing burden of legis14 News that Interpat+...

Page 7

More permits for local exports —MP

HAULIERS in the North enough permits to allow made by local firms to EEC MP in the Commons. Alan Beith (Lib, Berwick) asked if...

Leyland in black BRITISH Leyland announced its results for 1977

on Monday. Michael Edwardes, chairman of British Leyland Limited, said in a statement that profit before interest and tax was...


LABOUR man John Ellis is bewildered by the Opposition's tactics during the Committee Stage of the Transport Bill. He has been...

TIME is RUNNING OUT to iron out the remaining uncertainties

surrounding the changeover to EEC hours was fast running out, Bill Mills, director of administration and legal ?s FTA, said in...

Page 15

fake up at the back!

usually stable, I almost said introverted, Transport ,ociation is stirring again. /espite the absence of stalwarts like Glyn...

cunning wild

man who left the Army 25 years ago to start a transport siness with a second-hand Bedford truck is this year resting nearly...

!PC for Rodgers?

RHA sub-area up in Dunstable are an active lot. .ast week was their annual dinner. Our man thought he had arrived at the wrong...

Burn up

Margaret Brown, who works for Greater Glasgow PTE, told her colleagues that she could remember the days when some of the city's...

Page 19

Ideatiug lapetifisa

rence the article (CM, :h 10) about London h operators becoming asingly worried over aetition from Wahl of t Germany, who are...

otatiet mem

S interested to read the :le by - The Hawk .about attitude of pop musicians 3rds their hired vehicle, h although intended to be...

All holders of an operator's licence should have a registered

office; I know of operators who conduct their business from council houses, and in one case from a public house. This gives...

Page 21

Transit: operator's view of changes

IEN A vehicle range is ticularly successful it belies a problem for the nufacturer to update it :hout detracting from its jinal...

Page 25

IlMechE Conference

on auto transmission Operators' message to boffins: work out the operating costs WHILE automatic and semi-automatic gearboxes...

Page 29

IRTE must take on the manufacturers

IEN THE INSTITUTE of Id Transport Engineers isted its membership nigh the 10,000 "sound ier" in 1977, I fancy that iy Fletcher,...

Page 40

Your cha to be champ

THE FIRST rounds of the Commercial Motor-sponsored Lorry Driver of the Year competition, now in its jubilee year, will be held...

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By Les Oldridge, T.Eng (CEO, MIMI, AM IRTE SUPPLYING DEFECTIVE VEHICLES SECTION 60 (1) of the Road Traffic Act 1972 makes it...