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N O time is to be lost in putting the Road and Rail Traffic Act into operation. While the Bill has been going through...
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AT a recent meeting of an important association concerned with road transport, a member, speaking of the new legislation, said...
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Of more licence but less freedom. That, according to a county court Judge, London Transport "ought to have been strangled at...
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by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it...
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L.C.C. and a Big London Road-junction Scheme. On Tuesday last the London County Council discussed the question of the...
The passenger-transport committee of Nom/ism-ram Corporation has decided to buy five oil-engined double-deck buses....
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Some Pointers from an Interesting Paper Read at the Recent Roads and Transport Congress O o the concluding day of the Public...
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IN PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent Road and Rail Traffic Act. B EFORE Parliament was prorogued the...
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Parliamentary Secretary for Mines Opens the Chesterfield Tube Company's New Depot O N November 15 the Chesterfield Tube Co.,...
A Striking New Vehicle Incorporating a Dennis Chassis and a Metcalfe Body I TITIIERTO, launderers do not seem _Lite have...
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Refrigeration Trailers Dyson 10-ton Trailer with Alfol Insulated Wood-frame Body Represents Latest Example of Drikold...
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NS: A CONCISE SUMMARY T HE Minister of Transport is required by the Road and Rail Traffic Act to coiasult such representative...
HIS short description of the licensing and enforcement 1_ provisions of the Road and Rail Traffic Act is not a comprehensive...
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T HESE Regulations are to come into force on January I, 1934. Any person failing to comply with any of the requirements is...
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R LEFT OLYMPIA p ICTURES reproduced on these pages tell, perhaps better than words are able to explain, the nature of the task...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [4198] Sir,—May we congratulate you on the very excellent list of wharves and maps...
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Distributor-head Units A WELL - MADE rotating-magnet 1 - 1.. type magneto, suitable for use oti four or six-cylindered engines...
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NEW PETROL SIX -WHEELER V-type EightcylinderedPetrol Engine Embodied in New Laid Maximum load Chassis of Light Weight Road...
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Further information about the proposed K.L.M. Hull-Amsterdam air service (last referred to in this paper on November 10) is to...
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Result of Conference Between Road and Rail T "conference concerning a suggested fares agreement between Yorkshire coach...
O Fparticular value for use on coaches, which have to maintain steady average speeds under all conditions, is the Curvlite...
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Iron and Steel Brighter. Many Big Building Contracts. Coal Trade Better. Large Timber Imports MHERE is further improvement in...
T ENDERS are invited by the following (latest dates given in parentheses) :—Hornehurch U.D.C., for the supply of granite...
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HAULIER and CARRIER The Necessity of Differentiating between Transport Cost and Operating Cost. Only the Latter Must be...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications; Copies of which, price Is., can be obtained from the Patent Office "Do...