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Men it comes into force, the 1980 Transport Act will not contain the lements which probably caused the industry most concern....
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THE CAPITAL and loan debts of NFC will be wiped out on the day before the state undertaking is "acquired" by a new company....
LONDON TRANSPORT, whose £600m budget was returned to them by the GLC, will lose some of the privileges if clause 28 of the...
ALL DIRECT costs, excep licences, have increased ove the last six months and unles continually reviewed can within this period,...
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ennison, a new manufacturer on the British scene, provided M with a 4 x 2 tractive unit for its most recent road test. Powered...
MEMBERS of the British Association of Removers were introduced to the new code of conduct for members by Roy Fox, chairman of...
TORY legislation, accordin to Reg Dawson, head of tli road freight division of th Department of Transport wa to be aimed at...
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g-bag schemes LOAD HAULAGE ASSOCIATION iational chairman John Silbermann 'mused the Government of making cuts n the road...
THE GREATER LONDON COUNCIL is claiming that London is going to be hardest hit by the withdrawal of the new bus grant, due to...
More than 30,000 goods vehicles have been recalled by the makers for modifications during the first quarter of operation of the...
CAN Lord Underhill be right? Is there anyone living near Epping Forest who does not yet realise that the M25, the Government's...
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RRY is an irreplaceable link in the distribution chain should be developed and given the roads it requires says reight...
ALTHOUGH wage negotiations are continuing around the country between Road Haulage Association areas and the Transport and...
A PICTURE of an ERF commercial vehicle appeared in our Farm Transport supplement of September 28, with the caption "Leasing can...
VATIONAL FREIGHT CORPORATION parcels carrier, Roadine, is to spend Elm next year on the first phase of a "reshaping 3rogramme"....
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IMPORTED COMMERCIAL VEHICLES captured a quarter of the British market last month according to the latest figures released by...
[HE CHEMICAL Industries kssociation (CIA) has called m companies involved in the :ransport of low-hazard !hemicals to mark...
A SUGGESTION that the ii troduction of the tachograp should be regarded as a opportunity to modernise an to regularise work...
"AN INTRODUCTION TO DEPOT MANAGEMENT" is the title for a two-day residential course being run by the Centre for Physical...
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COMPLAINTS by the West Midland County Council that Wilfred Ward, trading as W. Ward & Son Transport, has not been complying...
THE TRANSPORT AND ROAD RESEARCH LABORATORY is carrying out a study on the nature of the forces applied to road surfaces by the...
HE CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION (CIA) has introduced a standard syllabus for the training of drivers who regularly transport...
ROAD freight transpor should be respected as pro viding the lifeline of the no tion, and not be subjected t petty and...
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MON TRANSPORrs political masters, the Greater London iuncil, have thrown out the Executive's entire 1980 budget as nacceptable...
MIDLAND RED's Market Analysis Project in the Shropshire area was the first of the MAP networks that set out with the specific...
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THE TRANSPORT BILL has swept away the traditional psv lieensing system and approaches the subject in a new way, slnl lar to...
A REQUEST from the Scott': Bus Group to Tayside Regii for additional cash totallh more than £200,000 has m with extremely...
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PUSH-BUTTON operated tow chain is now available in is country from Twiflex Duplings Ltd, The Green, wickenham. Produced in...
mounted on e front of the axle and may engaged and disengaged 'Ale the vehicle is in motion. aximum recommended eed with the...
LOW ROLLING resistance and cool running for greater fuel economy are claimed for a new computer-designed all tyre, the HM 80,...
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SCHIPHOL Airport, Amsterdam, which has one of the most modern emergency services in the world, has just commissioned seven...
A NEW diesel-fuel additive, Clenjet Antarctica, is being Marketed by Filtrate Lubridants Ltd, Filtrate Works, Kidacre Street,...
CB RADIO will be legalised by the middle of next year, according to the experts at Radiomobile. But it will probably be on 220...
A NEW "Thermostart" heac tank has been developed Lucas CAV to aid the cc starting of turbocharged die: engines. On these...
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VAS interested to read RHA airman John Silbermann's aws, as reported in CM A/ember 3. While many mer-drivers will agree with me...
I was most interested to read in CM, November 3, a letter from Mr G. S. Campion, an ownerdriver worried about the effects of...
I thought you would like to know I had the original "nightmare inquiry" so often imagined but so rarely experienced. As you...
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than six at 7.5 tonnes? Tim Blakemore compared the performances of seven non-hgv vehicles over CMS new test rout , . Some of...
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David Wilcox visits the piemen and finds em well pleased wi a non-hgv choice of replacement for eir WaLcnnu fleet. Dick Ross...
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THE USE of calipers, described Id the last article, is somewhat linited and the more sophistic ted micrometer is better suited...
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Demountable systems often meant comparatively high cost and weight. Now a number of manufac - urers have designed systems win...
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• Oldridge, T Eng (CEI), 1111 AMIRTE jEITION 62 (4) (c) of the - ra sport Act 1 968 requires in pplicant for an operator's ice...
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A sponsored "jail-break is the latest charitable extravaganza. It was particularly appropriate because the proceeds are to be...
There is more to building a London bus garage than meets the eye. London Transport is constructing three at an estimated cost...
What would drivers say if Peter Thompson, chief executive of the National Freight Corporation and other advocates of simpler,...
Total spending power of around £E10m is estimated to have been attracted last year by the National Exhibition Centre at...
National was in the news again with the celebration of the twentieth anniversary of Britain's first motorway coach service. It...
I have been made privy to th. origin of one of the "dirt . tricks" used at the Seddoi Atkinson service training centr, to wake...
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BUS OPERATIONS manager for London Transport's new Watling district is Colin Dix. Mr Dix, who joined LT in 1956 as a conductor,...