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by Karen Miles • The new owners of the business of collapsed international freight organisation, Euroway SA, want to recruit...
p eter Lilley's plan to ban dole cheats from driving sounds perfectly reasonable to us. Every year social security fraud costs...
• A senior vehicle examiner is under investigation at the Vehicle Inspectorate following allegations of disconnected car...
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• Irish container hauliers could profit if a ban on Irish goods using the Channel Tunnel gets the go-ahead next month. Britain...
by Karen Miles • Plans by the major ferry operators to merge services on their short sea and western Channel routes could be...
• Mickey Chinnick, the British driver imprisoned in Turkey for drug smuggling, could be close to freedom after a Euro MP met...
• Rob Swindells is to stay on as president of the trade group Transfrigoroute, despite saying he would quit last week....
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• Essex police are looking For the driver of a yellow artic who they believe may have saved several lives after he warned car...
by Derren Hayes • A national awareness campaign was launched this week in a bid to reduce the number of bridges hit and...
• A senior medical advisor to the Department of Transport says new eyesight standards for LGV drivers are not tough enough and...
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by Lee Khnber • Fair Trials Abroad (FTA), the organisation that helps drivers arrested in other countries, has had to stop...
• Five Jaguars worth almost £250,000 were written off when this transporter overturned three miles from Jaguar's Coventry plant...
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by Karen Miles • Lorry drivers made an enormous contribution in bringing the killer of Celine Figard to justice, according to...
• British hauliers spent more than 1:1bn on foreign trucks in 1995 while British truck manufacturers struggled to fill their...
• Waste Management International is promising more work for UK drivers as it prepares to boost its waste paper business. Group...
• British Customs have stopped sealing tanks filled with red diesel on foreignbound trucks after winning new rights to...
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by John Kendall • A range of 10 ex-factory pickup, tipper and box bodies are among the options for the 4.807.49-tonne...
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• lercedes-Lienz has launched its Act - cis range in the UK: 4x2 and 6x2 tractor variants will be available from late December,...
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• Manchesterbased farmer and waste disposal contractor Philip Dickinson was warned that he was very close to losing his licence...
6 6 • A crown court judge has dismissed an appeal against a drinkdriving charge after ruling that private roads at Holyhead...
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• A Lancashire farm gate manufacturer had her Operator's Licence suspended for a month after she presented trailers with faulty...
• North Eastern Traffic Comm issioner Keith Waterworth has given a Doncaster firm 28 days to prove that it has more than...
• Three unsatisfactory maintenance investigations in less than two years led to the appearance of Anthony and Jean Robinson,...
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T here is lots of talk about making conditions better for drivers in this country and your story on drivers who are forced to...
ith regard to your story that the A55 is to lose its tea vans (CM 15-21 August), who says that truck drivers do not get...
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or two changes in truck design since the first vehicle rolled off the "production line" 100 years ago. The Hawk should know,...
] he Hawk has an eye for the birds, naturally, and it seems he's not the only one. Trudging round the Hanover Show last month,...
roving that driving drink (if not drink driving) does pay is Whitbread driver Nick Cox who has won the Truck Driver of the...
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a 'new van. It's great when something this original comes along. This is usually a relevant point when confronted with a...
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key-pad immobiliser and a passenger seat which can be converted into a desk-top. Citroen claims safety was a "major part of...
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D o used truck dealers wear rosecoloured glasses? According to Warren Cole, director at Oldburybased Brandrick Trucks, even the...
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HAULAGE H auliers in the West Midlands owe a lot to the motor industry. From the heart of England the British car industry...
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I f the experience of Jeavons Transport is anything to go by, the future of intermodal transport involving UK general hauliers...
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up with more prominent names than Cadbury's and Dunlop, with brands that are famous the world over. Woodall Transport operates...
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his long fingers together, he muses on the irony of the position he finds himself in today. At the becinning of the troubled...
all the time, but operators often depend on each other to make the wheels go round. Bentons Haulage, for example, tucked away...
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S even of Pauls Malt's 10 drivers are based at a different location from transport manager Melvyn Dale, who is located in...
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T he maximum lengths of swap bodies are: Class-A, 13.6m; Class-C, up to 7.82m. The overall length of a vehicle with a 13.6m...
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tachograph records. The electronic devices they used were described as some of the most sophisticated the Vehicle Inspectorate...
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4 y autumn journey around the conference circuit took in four different stops. It started midSeptember at the TUC in Blackpool...