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D URING this war, the energies of practically all our commercial-vehicle manufacturers have been almost entirely diverted to...
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Bauxite Not a "Good re k TON-TECHlefICAL journalSubstitute" for Alu" ists sometimes make some minium humorous mistakes when...
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That old battles never die, thty gradually pave our way. From the Mond Nickel Co., Ltd., that "thinking now can win the...
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The Shadow is Becoming Substance A T a meeting of the Road Transport Organization Joint Conference, held on September 14, when...
A FTER an interval of five years the Managers' Section of the Municipal Passenger Transport Association reverted this month to...
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r OMPLA1NTS of a serious recurrence 01 rate-cutting in road haulage will be brought forward, it is . understood, when a meeting...
TAIRED 'operators under the Govern ment Haulage Scheme in the North-; Western Area held a meeting at Manchester last week and...
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MR. J. V. Scorrosw, managing director of Scottorn, Ltd . ., has volunteered for the R.A.F. (MT. Section) and has been accepted...
A DDRESSING the Oil Industries 1 1-1 .-Cinh, Mr. Boyd BoWinian, publicity officer' of B.R.7., spoke on " Motorways for Britain...
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The Two Systems of Transport Have Nothing in Common and Cannot be Compared, Therefore There Can be No• True Co-ordination of...
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How the Post-war Soda! and Economic System May Affect the Freedom of Operators of Road Transport and Break the Spirit of Magna...
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p ROPERLY to explain the accompanying views on possible further co-operation between vehicle manufacturer and user, we must...
By John B. Walton (Lever Bros. and Unilever Ltd.) WJE have amongst transport users the "cream " of W operating management and...
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By J. S. Nichol! (McNamara and Co., Ltd.) T HE broad objects of the meeting of March 31 are, I think, best summarized from Mr....
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By Carlton F. Roberts (Ham, Ltd.) WHEN peace is an established fact, and the latest Tank VI' is just so much scrap,...
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THE M.O.W.T. Road Haulage Scheme is now • apparently in full swing, at least nearly all the under takings and units have been...
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THE title of your article, " The Ills of Wheels," in your issue dated September 10, is a good one. I agree that it gives much...
O N .a previous occasion I challenged the views of f" Tantalus " on the respective places of the A and C licence holders in the...
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Solving the Problems of the Carrier . Exceptions to Any Rule Fixing Rates and Charges May be Numerous: Are They Likely to be...
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Vulcanizer W/ELL-KNOWN as the maker of all YV types of garage equipment, Harvey Frost and Co., Ltd., Bishop's Stortford, has...
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ef decarbonizing the average.engine, orderly methods will greatly reduce the possibilities of the work being impeded as the...
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P ATENT N. 554,404 chines from the Four Wheel Drive Auto Co , Clintonville, Wisconsin, U.S.A., and refers to the -heaviest...