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• Government Proposals to Permit Larger Lorries Augur Well for the Show T HE Commercial Motor Show opens at Earls Court today...
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,Photographic Records of Bodies A N interesting and useful record system is being employed by a Scottish coachhuilding concern...
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Of a ban on Show cocktail parties. Of Perkins as petrol-engine enthusiasts. Of Eaton making a gearbox-type step-down. That...
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New Chassisless Double-decker, Three Light Vans and 8-tonner Included gEVEN surprises are among more than 30 new models which...
Y Tuesday evening, just over 60 pi cent, of the vehicles contained : vehicle-only units in List 7 had be sold. A spokesman of...
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gEN rivalry, especially between 'rivers of British Road Services and of private operators, marked the mtry commercial-vehicle...
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MR, F. W. LAMPARD has been appointed northern manager of Silentbloc, Ltd., and the Andre Rubber. Co., Ltd. MR. J. G. MCLEOD...
W HEREAS in January, 1953, nc waiting orders for goods vehielc applied to 1,400 ft. of street in tt West End of London the...
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HE first undertaking to operate a Leyland Royal Tiger Worldmaster del, Copenhagen Tramways, has sent T to Earls Court one of...
T HE East Midland Licensing Authority, in giving permission to Nottingham Transport Department to increase certain fares (The...
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A SIMPLE fuel-injection system for ritoil engines has been developed by the Cummins Engine Co., Inc., of America, and is now...
A, SUBSTANTIAL order for roa tankers to be sent to Australia ha been given the Dalzell Electric Weldin Co., Ltd., Bellshill,...
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INCESSIONARY fares were lescribed as 'a complete anachro" by Mr. David Karmel, Q.C., he applied before the West and Licensing...
to carry 105 passengers. of whom 28 will be seated_ are to be put into operation in Colombo, states our Ceylon correspondent....
PA A N appeal to the Minister of Transport to help to remove difficulties in arranging coach parties to provincial theatres...
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new regulations on rear lighting may invalidate the insurance policy of the vehicle concerned. Operators using trailers should...
The Traders Road Transport Associal will hold their annual dinner-dance Grosvenor House, London, W.1, November 3. On Monday...
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HE provision in the Transport Act. 1953, that the onus of proof of objection lies with the objector ndoubtedry tends to make...
SURES just published by the Society of Motor Manufacturers Traders elaborate the report in Commercial Motor for August 27,...
THE Pegaso 9.35-litre six-cylindered oil engine, manufactured by the Spanish E.N.A.S.A. Co., has been subjected to detail...
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L AST week, Guy Motors, Ltd., celebrated their 40th anniversary by a luncheon at which Lord Lucas of Chilwocrth, Lord Bennett...
D EPRESENTATIONS by 112 obje IL tors to the wages proposals R.H. (49) were disposed of during fairly short meeting of the Ro...
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L.T.E. Design Doubledecker with Engine Removable on Sub-frame, Coil Springs and Two pedal Control F ACED with the task of...
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Based on Anglia Car Chassis with 66-cu.-ft. All-welded Body : Independent Front Wheel Suspension T HE new Thames 5-cwt....
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New Scammell Instantaneous Coupling Gear is Air Operated from the Cab and is Foolproof FULLY automatic instantaneous coupling...
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T O obviate the cost of panel beating and to increase resistance to damage, the aluminium enginecover and propeller-shaft...
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versus the Rest Full Employment Puts Bus Operators in Keen Competition wittt Other Industries for Labour i HATEVER other...
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By C. Courtney Cramp, F.I.I.A., M.I.R.T.E. TRANSPORT manager can never expect an easy life. The multiplicity of problems with...
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Now Greater Chance of Equal Competition Between Independent Hauliers and State Transport by James Barrie National Chairman,...
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A S forecast in The Commercial Motor last we a new fuel filter is being introduced at Commercial Motor Show. Following an inten...
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.Voluntary Associations of Hauliers Can Succeed : U.C.L. Aim at Stability in Meat Transpoil by P. J. R. Tapp, C.B.E., M.C.,...
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T HE announcement toda y . of the Standard 6-cwt. range of light commercial vehicles adds yet another car-to-van adaptation to...
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Last-minute Entry to Commercial Motor Show hag 5LW Engine ,AST-MINUTE surprise at the thrunercial Motor Show appears in the...
THE Unipower Aintree 6 x 6 normal control chassis, which receives its first showing at Earls Court today. is a six-wheeled...
manufacturers of braking systems, 3irling, Ltd., Tyseiey, Birmingham, a special interest in deceleration Jing apparatus and...
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C IVIL Servants must be pardoned their moments of wool-gathering, and whoever is responsible for framing the official policy on...
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FURTHER extension of the use of the oil engine, a reduction in the overall weight of vehicles and the introduction of over 30...
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T HE demonstration park at Earls Court can always be relied on to provide much of interest, and on this occasion there is a...
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r HERE is no dearth of ideas in the British bodybuilding industry. This fact is amply demon. ated by the Commercial Motor tow....
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ating capacity of this new bus m Transport Executive has been out increasing the loaded weight fthe existing 56-seat RT-type...
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A A load on his mind ! Homalloy light-alloy extruded bolted sections are used in the construction of both the platform and the...
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ON SHOW T HIRTY-EIGHT different types of trailer and semi-trailer, together with supplementary exhibits, are displayed at the...
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Ice-gripping Tread on New - Tyre for Winter Use Indicates the Current Trend Towards Design for Specific Requirements N EW tyres...
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T HIS week I am going into reverse. Instead of devoting my energies to warning hauliers of the danger of overlooking any one of...
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YES, WARM, WITH GOOD VISIBILITY! Even in the coldest winter the lucky driver who has a Smiths cab heater fitted in his cab can...
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Bedford Company Make Good Start : List 7 Purchasers Becoming Known A LARGE first purchase has been reported from the East...
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rt A MECHANICAL shovel which removes the need for shunting the chassis on which it is mounted was recently demonstrated in...
H ANDSOME Shire horses are kept by Whitbread and Co., Ltd:, Chiswell Street, London, E.C.1, to appear in different parts of the...