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T HERE is a strong similarity between the modern method of erecting scaffolding and the Method of Ascent manipulation of rates...
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UU NITIL now the attitude of the Road Haulage Association towards the Road Haulage Executive has been cautious, or even...
Removal .of Nuts A CCORDING to the Amal i s a Technician's gamated Engineering Work Union, the removal and replacement of six...
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Of a raid on spare parts. Of new models for the Show which seem to put the cart before the horse. Of others which consign the...
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Output Rate Stepped Up to 269,828 a Year : Exports Set Up New Records "'THE record-a-month activities of the British motor...
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A RRANGEMENTS have been proposed to facilitate the parking of coaches during the Festival of Britain next year. Negotiations...
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MR. F. C. CAHILL has retired from the board of Northern Commercial Vehicles, Ltd. MR. H. W. STEEL, manager of the Glasgow...
EINES of £5 each on four summonses were imposed recently by the Plymouth Magistrates on Western Haulage Contractors (Plymouth),...
F ROM October 12-14, a commercialvehicle rally is to be held in Paris. Organized by two of the principal French bodies...
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A WARNING was given last Friday to farmers and crofters in Shetland by Mr Alex Robertson, Scottish Deputy Licensing Authority,...
IN allowing the appeal of Mr. Alfred Kelsall against the 1 refusal of a B licence, the Appeal Tribunal finds that the West...
Next year's British Industries Fair will be held in London and Birmingham from April 30-May II. The Royal Society for the...
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H OIDERS of C licences are to be admitted as associate members of the Hauliers' Mutual Federation. At the annual general...
A CTION by the London Transport Executive in extending its operation of contract carriages outside the originally designated...
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A LTHOUGH, in the past, recomr - Imendations made by the Regional Fares Committees on fares on express services have been...
T HE Northern Licensing Authority has rejected a proposal by Cumberland County Council to enforce the use of smaller buses on...
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Breaking Fresh Ground in a Valuable Market, Six Sunbeam Trolleybuses May Provoke Further Orders and the Conversion of a...
LL ORRY• drivers who give gratuitous lifts to friends or strangers, run a grave risk in the event of the passengers suffering...
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A RECENT Home Office specification r - ifor a high-powered water tender was filled by a special Commer chassis with a wheelbase...
V IRTUALLY a miniature trolley jack. the Linford Handi-Jack, which weighs only 35 lb. and measures 22 ins. by 51 ins. by 71...
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How a Large Grocery Concern Maintains Its Delivery Services With a Fleet of Oilers R EGULARITY of delivery is of great...
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Doublethink F AILURE by the Road Haulage Executive to fulfil its promises has led the chief executive officer of the Road...
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New Underfloor engined Single-decker Available with Normally Aspirated or Supercharged Oil Engine and Semi-automatic Hydraulic...
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H YDRAULICALLY controlled wet-plate clutches and torque reaction brakes are features of the four - speed planetary gearbox...
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B C. S. DUNBAR of To-morrow m.,nst.T. I N the past there have been two ways of becoming a transport manager. One has been to...
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Our Costs Expert Discusses This Matter Further and Puts Forward the Method He Recommends as an Alternative to Usual Practice...
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T 0 new cleaning compounds have I/n tested by "The Commercial Motor" and, for the purposes for which they were employed, have...
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shown in patent • No. 638,301, which comes from A. Magis, Paris: Its chief aim is compactness, and this is achieved by keeping...