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T HE extraordinary value and ubiquity of mechani cal road transport are displayed in full measure at such times as Christmas,...
A DEPUTATION from the Pedestrians' Asso ciation and representatives of certain councils in the London area, also of a number of...
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D URING the first nine months of the present year Soviet Russia has built 53,650 miles of new roads of what are termed regional...
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Of Christmas transport dubbed the turkey trot. That traffic lanes are to be marked by permanent studs. Of rigid...
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" The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
H. Dodd, a Ministry of Transport inquiry was held in Glasgow, on December 17, into two Provisional Orders by Glasgow...
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Gratton and Sons, of Sheffield, for an A licence in respect of eight lorries and five trailers, was adjourned by Mr. E. Russell...
SIR JOHN MAXWELL, C.M.G., chairman of the Northern Traffic Commissioners, and Lady Maxwell are having a holiday tour on the...
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P UBLIC interest was stressed by Mr. Russell Gurney, Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority, at Hull, last Friday, when granted...
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by a haulier was, in effect, one of the grounds for objection by the railways, when Mr. A. W. Thompson, The Woodland, Allta.mi,...
A N application by a haulier for additional tonnage, in order to retrieve traffic which he had lost as the result of an...
A RE hauliers setting too high a pace in transport? During an inquiry, last Thursday, the North-Western Licensing Authority...
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Master Spinners Place Welfare of Country's Commerce Before Transport Interests THE enormous importance of road transport to...
Catering for Traffic Abstracted from Road Transport O BJECTION to taking its own medicine was evidenced by the L.M.S. Railway...
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The Transport Problem in Excavation I N the past two years, 12 major contracts have been placed in the United States for the...
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WHILST by no means universally employed on commer cial chassis, worm gearing is regarded by many as the -preferable form of...
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Our Paris Correspondent Sends Some Details of the New Brandt Generator in which Charcoal is Used as a Filtering Medium and to...
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First Dyson Pneumatic-tyred Sixwheeled Tanker Trailers, Equipped for Cartage by Rail, have Recently been Put into Service on...
UTANY visitors to the recently held /itiPublic Health ExhibitiOn and Congress were interested in the Crystal window washer...
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and QUERIES WHERE H.G.V. LICENCES ARE REQUIRED. 149481 We would appreciate your opinion on the following in connection with...
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Says Capt. E. H. B. Palmer, O.B.E. A Vigorous Reply to the Critics of "Fiddling While Rome Burns" TRANSPORT legislation of...
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F OR the transport of marketgarden produce in bulk, in boxes or other . containers, the operator requires a vehicle with large...
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N O sane person can but agree that public service vehicle examiners and certifying officers fulfil a vital function in the safe...
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A N escape ladder is combined with the new emergency door for doubledeck buses which has been invented by Mr. C. Davis, of...
A NEW window gear, suitable for Pldriver's cabs and for coach and bus windows, has recently been patented, and is to be...
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By A. W. Powley, A.L.A.A. T HERE must be many hauliers who receive a severe shock when their income-tax assessment forms come...
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H EARING of the appeal by the four railway companies against the Metropolitan Licensing Authority's decision to en - ant...
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C ONTINUING the series commenced in last week's issue, I come now to explain in detail the four analysis sheets which my...
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A T last the dispute with regard to restrictions imposed on the issue of tickets on seasonal express services from seaside...
fares was continued, last week, by the North-Western Traffic Commissioners. Many reductions were asked for, and an outstanding...
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T HE Eastern Traffic Commissioners have decided to grant two applications by the Eastern Counties Omnibus Co., Ltd., in respect...
voted in favour of the city council's proposal, under a Parliamentary Bill, to purchase the local bus services and establish a...
from a licenco if an operator has not run it for a year or two? This question was raised at a sitting of the Yorkshire Traffic...
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"Dog Eats Dog" Deprecated O BJECTIONS by hauliers to the licence applications of other members of the industry were deprecated...
What is the reaction of A.R.O. national council to the invitation, extended to it by Col. A. Jerrett, president of the C.M.U.A„...
UTACHINERY for the stabilization of allocal furniture-removal rates in various Yorkshire towns is now being. put into operation...
WELL over 50 per cent, of the memW tiers of A.R.O. Brighton Sub-area attended the meeting, at Brighton, las1 week, at which...
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Patent Specifications A CENTRIFUGAL clutch, controlled by the speed of the engine, and specially designed for use with oil and...