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T HE year now drawing to a do.:e will go down in history as one in which a gigantic experiment in the State control of industry...
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Ponies to Oust Battery-eleetrics ? EXPERIMENTS are being made with Highland ponies by St. Cuthbert's Co-operative Association...
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That all men like tailored seat covers. That no government should make any one form of transport either a white-headed boy or...
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A S a result of discussions between Britain and the Federal Republic of Germany concerning trade arrangements for 1954,...
A N appeal to the Government to start building national motor roads next year, and to set up a national motor-road construction...
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A MEETING of Finsbury Borough Council decided last week to ask the London County Council to review the use of a site in...
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T HE new central area garage of London Transport at Loughton has come into operation. It provides covered accommodation for 137...
B ECAUSE he carried airmen on leave to London from Oakington R.A.F. station without a road service licence, Cetil William Blank...
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A LTHOUGH it is the Licensing Authority's duty to I -1 avoid wasteful competition, the convenience of the public must come...
--Mr. Winterbottom " W E in road haulage are in no victorious or jubilant mood. Political measures cannot in themselves solve...
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TENDERING for contracts at a rate 1 which would not enable services to be operated efficiently was alleged during an appeal...
T HE question: "Is the transport industry today suffering from an overdose of politics?" was posed by Mr. S. Kennedy, chairman...
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rOMMERC1AL VEHICLE exports for October, at 11,629 units valued at £6,721,081, showed a substantial increase over those for the...
R EFUSING an application by Mr. T. Colledge, West Hartlepool, who wanted a B licence for a vehicle of 3 tons now operated under...
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says Andrew Seacombe F ORTY years ago a young man who had long cherished the ambition to become a journalist entered instead...
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T O have self-sufficiency and mobility suggests an enviable combination of staunch virtue and sagacity, and indicates an...
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M OBILE dispensaries and other types of vehicle play a prominent part in the mission of the People's Dispensary for Sick...
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How a Montreal Haulier Built Up _his Fleet from Small Beginnings and Maintains it at Peak Efficiency by Careful Attention to...
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Quality Fluctuations n Synthetic Tyres A CCORDING to the United States Pl. National Bureau of Standards, methods which their...
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Do the Recently Approved Restrictions on Waiting in London and Oxford Presage Legislation on a National Scale ? By R. E. G....
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Ingenious Conversion of a Trojan-Perkins Personnel Carrier for Use by a Master of the Hunt C APABLE of carrying up to 40...
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44 UR English mistress is crazy about James 0 Barrie," said Maggie's niece Charlotte. "What do you think she, has set us for...
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I WOULD have thought that Janus could have found a more suitable topic for: his facetious pen than to criticize the Winter...
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"There Must Be a Point on the Scale of Charges Below Which the Haulier is More Likely to Lose than Gain by Picking up a Return...
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T HE capacity of tankers has reached the point at Which gravity discharge is no longer quick enough unless inconveniently large...