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F OR the past three weeks, a representative of "The Commercial Motor" has been interviewing operators and users of road...
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30 m.p.h. Limit A N interesting point con Not for All Utility cerning the speed limit of Vehicles shooting brakes was recently...
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That Not for me—I'm driving," is safety thirst. That you should not have your daily bread and loaf That wise Scots...
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I to pay was halved, the immediate effect would be an appreciable reduction in the price of our vehicles for export," says Mr....
H AULIERS who are negotiating with the British Transport Commission are urged by the longdistance central panel of the Road...
S CHEMES for the nationalization of passenger transport in other parts of the country will follow the plan which is already...
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ing before the Yorkshire Licensing Authority, applications by 10 Yorkshire racehorse trainers for B Dunces for their...
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A FAREWELL luncheon to Mr. 6leeson E. Robinson, CM., MC., LL.D., chairman of the Appeal Tribunal, was given last week by the...
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L - 'ULL details of the sale of the trans' port interests of Thomas "I tiling, Ltd.. to the British Transport Commission were...
A Seddon passenger chassis with twospeed rear axle will be exhibited at the Geneva Show. Final approval of the letting of...
IV RING its visit to Newcastle, the LI Road Transport Executive's threeman working party did not complete its inquiry into the...
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U NCONTROLLED pedestrian croSslugs should not be provided on roads not subject to-a speed limit. This is one of the...
TN the King's Bench Division last 1 Friday, Clement Shaw and Co.. Ltd., an exporter of commercial vehicle chassis, Sloane...
T HAT visitors to this country prefer road travel, by coach, hire car , or their own cars, was the view expressed on Monday by...
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A SUGGESTION that means should be provided -on refuse-collection vehicles for storing hot tea was made by Mr. John Ames, in a...
A FTER nine months' working in the / - 3-.current financial year, . _Cardiff Corporation's transport department shows a loss of...
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D RAST1C cuts in the prices of Brush electric chassis were announced by Mr. E. J. Batchelor, assistant managing director of...
E XCLUMNG cars and motorcycles, the number of Vehicles registered for the first time in 1948 was about 14,000 fewer than in the...
U NCONTROLLED development of road transport can cause dire economic consequences, states Mr. D. R. Rutnam, who was asked by the...
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I N a new type of body built by Walkers and County Cars, Ltd., for Market Transport,. Ltd.,. both of Weir Road, London, S.W.I2,...
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VOUR correspondent's reminder that the trolleybus is not dead is timely. The pure economics of 'engineering, which may work out...
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with By L. J. COTTO N, M.I.R.T.E. LEAVY LOADS T HERE was no reason to doubt the accuracy of the police-car speedometer, when...
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E; ST A B L ISHM EN T of the area boards visualized as the basis of the passengertransport service of the future is an ideal...
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I HAVE been examining an American method of record'. ing vehicle operating costs. It is in the form of a book issued by an...
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"P ERSONAL contact with the customer through an efficient and attractive fleet of delivery vans is almost as important to our...
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11 Patients -A rA NEW type of ambulance accom modating 10 sitting cases and one stretcher case, or . 11 sitting cases, has just...
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F ROM the Clayton Dewandre Co., Ltd., and H. BlomIey, both of Titanic Works, Lincoln, comes, in , patent No. 610,659, a design...