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DISREPUTABLE minority is bringing the road haulage industry discredit at a time when, rtically, it is particularly Eterable to...
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of examining staff, the Government have refused, for the time being, to reintroduce the test for heavy-goods-vehicle drivers,...
'Twas On a Monday Morning . . . THE chairman of the Yorkshire Area Licensing I Authority, Major F. S. Eastwood, arrived late...
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That the public, including those who use them, Adorn know whether cabs have petrol or oil engines nder their bonnets. That...
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A.B.C.C. Proposals on Denationalization to Go to Minister on Monday 0 N Monday, a deputation from the Association of British...
T HIS year and next year, British Road Services are to end all vehicle hire contracts which can be terminated during that...
T HE London meat transport organization of British .Road Services, for which Mr. George Dawson unsuccessfully bid £785,000, was...
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VHEN the committee stage of the Road Traffic Bill was resumed in the 1-louse of Lords on Tuesday, Lord Lucas moved an amendment...
Concession Bill Du( a unanimous vote, Coventry City LI Council 'decided ' on Tuesday to promote a Bill to legalize the existing...
T HE Afro-Caribbean organization in Birmingham has briefed an Indian lawyer to protest to the West Midland Licensing Authority...
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- 1-1 A PERTHSHIRE haulier who was offered £41,500 in compensation for his business, which was nationalized in 1949, did not...
their rates by at least 74per cent. from March I. This decision was reached last week by the national rates committee of the...
B RITAIN led the world in motor 1--/ exports last year. Shipments exceeded those of the United States by 90,000 units. They...
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the presence of a number of orthern transport executives on sday, a new type of central-entrance ble-decker, the lightweight...
A COACH operator alleged at an appeal in Birmingham, fast week, that an incorrect statement by an objector jeopardized his case...
and a trailer from British Road Services were announced on Tuesday by the Northern and Western Licensing Authorities. Thirty of...
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25 Northern Operators Apply for Higher Fares : Walsall Decision this Week HE Scottish Licensing Authority last week granted...
T HE total of new registrations for 1954, excluding cars and motorcycles, was 163,347. During December 12,980 were registered....
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NO air-coach tours to the Continent are being introduced by Sheffield ted Tours, Ltd., this year. One, to is and Brussels, is...
O BJECTIONS were made in Greenock Sheriff Court last week to the relevancy of a complaint against a conductress for permitting...
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WHEN Newbould and Dewhirst, VT Ltd., Rutland Road, Sheffield, were fined £45 at Sheffield last week for having no Excise...
were introduced and 22,961 new C-licence holders came into being, the Ministry of Transport announced on Monday. At the end of...
r I RDERS for 38 Leyland underfloor engined vehicles from Spain include demands for large-capacity singledeckers for service...
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and Docks "—was published londay by Temple Press Ltd. It tins details of riverside wharves locks from Teddington to Tilbury....
be healthy, but not wasteful, and in the public interest some livestock traffic should go by rail. These remarks were made by...
" A NYTHING you can do we can do better," was how Mr. T. D. Corpe described the attitude of Wilts and Dorset Motor Services,...
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By ohn F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. I N accordance with the well-proved Scania Vabis policy of good design and solid construction,...
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T HE Minister of Transport was closely questioned on a variety of matters in the House of Commons last week. An indication of...
E XPORTS of commercial vehicles for 1,-.0 1954 numbered 126,732 units valued at £69.3m. Compared with 1953, these figures show...
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Lord Lucas Presses for No Speed Limit for Utilities Travelling Unladen : H. G. V. Licence • Reintroduction to Be Considered :...
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)MPLICATIONS in mechanically driving the ancillary equipment of multi-compartment oil and fuel tankers extensive. A method of...
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• for the Dale Family by C. S. Dunbar, M. Inst. T. How a North Staffs Company, Started with One Lorry in 1926, Have...
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7 SALVAGE Methods Used by R.E.M.E. in Recovering Civilian Vehicles in Accidents Provide Valuable Information for Operators By...
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No Room for Tolls V HATEVER may be the case in the U.S.A., the levying of tolls seems a clumsy method of financing roads in...
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Little News of Further Purchases of List 8 Uaits : List R.5 Results Expected Soon W ITH the exception of Yorkshire, where 15...
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MR. W. NEWLAND, commercial anager of Simms Motor Units, Ltd., visiting India, the Far East and Africa. _ MR. WINTHROP W....
LL ARGE 6-ton containers are being used by Japanese hauliers in conjunction with an S.D. Freightlifter fork-lift truck to speed...
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To Obtain Redress for Losses or Damage Caused by U.S. Airmen and Others in This Country is Straightforward • 1952 there was...
DODIES have recently been built on Commer chassis by Glover, Webb and Liversidge, Ltd., 561 Old Kent Road, London, S.E.1, for...
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schedule of standing charges, is always a subject of controversy. Some of my correspondents write and say that the amounts I...
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PATENT No. 722,168 (Auto-Union I G.m.b.H., Ingolstadt, Germany) discloses a design for a pressurecharged two-stroke engine....