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I T was probably Confucius who said: "He who would run with the pack must learn to bark like a wolf." Whoever said it, the...
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New look for TRTA associate membership A NEW associate membership class is to be created by the TRTA for nationalized...
by Nicholas Trafford B ERNARD SHAW once warned men of power that if they put off for 30 years what should be put right in 30...
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HAULIERS SUPPORT LOG-BOOK HGV LICENCES DOAD S IDE "blitz" checks will continue, 1 - ■ even when the Ministry of Transport has...
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V EHICLE unloading, palletization and de-palletization, and mechanical vehicle load-forming were three of several subjects...
dispute FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT T HE Transport and General Workers Union's regional commercial services trade group...
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for tunnel T HE Secretary-General of IRU recently met the manager of the Mont Blanc road tunnel company to discuss the...
use provisions applicable to foreign traffic circulating in Rumania. Foreign vehicles may operate in Rumania provided they...
T HE German haulage co-operative group—BZG—has erected in the Federal Republic and West Berlin more than 30 lorry parks for the...
i l NOTABLE advance in road/rail co operation in the international sphere was made recently when the IRU and the International...
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P. AND I. REPORT EXPECTED SOON T HE final report of the National Board for Prices and Incomes on road haulage will be...
AN attack on underpowered lorries' "probably the chief cause of congestion and frustration on the open road"—was made in the...
D ISCUSSIONS have taken place between the management of British Road Services and representatives of the TGWU and the Transport...
S PEAKING at the a.g.m. of the Leyland Motor Corporation Ltd. on Tuesday, chairman Sir William Black said that on the...
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WH ILE the renewed hearing of an application by 19 p.s.v. operators to form the new Yorkshire-Torbay Pool (to operate express...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT TONDON busmen, whose ban on overtime I-1 and rest-day working is now in its fifth week, have...
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T HE claim for higher pay for more than 70,000 municipal busmen, which was submitted to the employers earlier this month, is to...
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REVISED declaration of normal user at a late stage in a Transport Tribunal hearing on Wednesday was opposed by Mr. R. Yorke....
44 A HAULIER desiring to perform the operation which seems to be traditionally known as 'putting his house in order' is under...
I N refusing a two-vehicle B-to-A switch application by Mr. B. F. G. Ribbans, of Fordham, on Tuesday, the Eastern Licensing...
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i N application by Granville Tours Ltd., of Grimsby, seeking to operate an express coach service from Immingham Dock ferry...
F ARES increases with effect from April 3 were granted to Eastern National Omnibus Co. Ltd. and Southend Corporation at...
R EFUSING an application for a B licence and ordering the immediate withdrawal of a short-term licence last week, the Northern...
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the Oakey judgment, two recent applications at Carlisle are pertinent to the situation. S. and K. Smith Ltd., of Towtop, How...
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A l upper-deck elevating gear based on a link-type hydraulic system and overcapacity rams is a feature of a car transporter...
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A GREEMENT has been reached between W. P. Butterfield Ltd. and Shelvoke and Drewry Ltd. for the merger of the two companies,...
N EARLY 13m. vehicles were in use on the roads of Great Britain in the third quarter of 1965, when the annual Ministry of...
P IPELINES as a means of transportation will be the subject of a talk by Mr. R. J. Wright, works director of Lincoln Electric...
opened by Coulters Garage (Evesham) Ltd., in Elm Road, Evesham. Twin service docks have been installed by Castrol. Land-Rovers...
of Adjustment BY HANDYMAN Q UITE a number of the repair problems met with in g oods vehicle operation stem from small matters...
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and publications Versatile jig-saw Lighting equipment T HREE new pieces of lighting equipment are announced by Rubbolite...
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View BY THE HAWK An Economic Balance D O you think the removal of the 40 m.p.h. speed limit for g oods vehicles on motorways...
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QOONER or later it was bound to come and perhaps the la narrowly averted rail strike provided the opportunity. One or two...
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BY A. J. P. WILDING, AMIMechE VIRST examples of a twin-steer tractive unit model for opera non at 32 tons gross announced by...
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Current trends in transport labour relations BY JOHN DARKER, AmBim 'THE pressure of events is compelling a new look at labour...
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A RECENT decision of the National Council for Local Authorities to recommend that employing authorities should undertake to...
y AST week the Queen's Bench Divisional 1-d Court allowed an appeal by Mr. Edward G. Jones, managing director of Border Garages...
ALTHOUGH the gross profits for 1965 just reported by ROBERT B. MASSEY proved disappointing, the directors recommend a final...
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M ANPOWER is a vital factor in all industries and none more so than in a service industry such as transport requiring a...
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discussion on road passenger transport the claim is made that insufficient advantage is taken of the opportunities afforded by...
By George Wilmot M Lecturer in Transport Studies, University of London EDUCATIONAL BODIES IN TRANSPORT The Industrial...