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T HE torque characteristics of the ordinary petrol or oil engine, when such a unit is applied to road transport purposes and in...
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A RECENT announcement by the Thermal Energy Commission of Brazil is to the effect that producer gas will continue to be used to...
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Toll the Bell for A T Shoreham there is still a Those Toll Gates and r - ktoll gate on a much - fre Bridges quented road and...
That all is not sold that glitters. That a copy of Magna Carta is returning to England. Of a suggestion that the Government...
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ROAD TRANSPORT EMPLOYERS' FEDERATION ENDED T HE final winding-up meeting of the National Road Transport Employers' Federation...
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O N January 16, at the Royal Society of Arts, Mr. W. C. Carlton, an affiliate of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers,...
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MR. SEARLE, whose letter appeared in your issue dated January 4, would seem to have completely forgotten that, in private...
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1 UTIONIZE January 25, 1946. VEHICLE SUSPENSION? A RE we on the eve of a revolution in motorvehicle suspension systems? After...
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Small Municipal Haulage lob The Calculations to be Made When Tendering to a Rural District Council for a Comparatively Small...
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Building Having 40,000 sq. ft. of Floor Space. Provides Maximum Comfort and Convenience for Operatives A S mentioned in our...
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Against Nationalization The 13.R.F., in Conjunction with the R.H.A., issues a Comprehensive Memorandum which Sets Out, in...
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First Lecture in Provinces Dealt With Developments in Lubrication and Elicited Animated Discussion T HE first lecture meeting...
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A Resume' of Recently Published Patent Specifications A STARTING unit designed prim arily, but not exclusively, for air....