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N 0 FEWER THAN two hundred members of the House of Commons are actively agitating for a complete and thorough reform of the...
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A Point of Interest to All Owners of Powerful Tractors. N OW THAT THE USE of internal-combustion tractors in connection with...
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"The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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A Simple and Effective Scheme for Daily Overhauls and Repairs. In many large works, the running of commercial vehicles, while...
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[The upkeep of the commercial electric vehicle is not a matter that presents any great difficulty, bat ignorance of the mere...
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Prominent Busmen at the Front. Two. Holes or Three ? T HE COMMERCIAL-VEHICLE INDUSTRY has, in all conscience ; sufficient to...
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W E referred in our editorial columns last week to the series ofprosecutions, amounting; it is not going too far to say, to...
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Motor Tractor Work in Notts. Spud Devices. Work in connection with motor tractors for agricultural purposes is proceeding upon...
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Equipping the 20 Goods-carrying Vehicles for Gas: We .dealt fairly fully in our last .issue with the announcement that the Gas...
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By "The Extractor." Marooned. There has been no motoring for me, joy-variety or • otherwise, since the authorities slammed...
[The old lorry speaks to a new arrival—tor the latter' s good.] You're spick and. you're span enough, laddie, You reckon you're...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors, Letters should be on one side of...
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A PRIZE OF TEN SHILLINGS is awarded each week to the sender of the best letter which we publish on this page ; all others are...
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One-way Plough and Tractor Combined. The most. interesting patent this week all attempt to make a self-contained 1 - 13ance or...