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25th June 1948
25th June 1948
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Page 1, 25th June 1948

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An Almost Incredible Story

TOWARDS the end of last year, Mr. I SydneY Guy, managing director of Guy Motors, Ltd., saw a 1948 calendar which had been...

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No More Toll Ferries?

HE recommendations of the Ferries I Committee, which was set up by the Minister of Transport in May, 1946. include proposals...

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Barr Fleet Nearly 300 per cent. UP R EM A RK

ABLE progress by Barr and Wallace Arnold Trust, Ltd., and its 10 associated companies was recorded in the chairman's annual...

In a Line or Two

On July 6, Measharn Motor Sales Organization is holding a sale of passenger vehicles - at Measham, Burtonon-Trent, Transport...

Page 28

Municipal Discussion 'jlear the Air on Many Matters

L IVELY debates, sometimes with a strong political flavour, figured at the Municipal Passenger Transport Association's...

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WITH earth-moving and allied equipVV ment, travel from site to

site without wasted time is important. In this connection the range of trailers, made by Mobile Power (London), Ltd., 23,...

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M ORE than 60 special vehicles participated in the demonstrations at Cliftonville, on June 17, during the Institute of Public...

Aids to a Healthier Britain

own account. Among these were a street-watering and cleansing machine and a side-loading refuse collector. The watering machine...

Page 35

The Case for Gas Turbines in Buses

R. H. H. Barr, B.Sc., Maintains that the Turbine is Practicable for Road Vehicles, and Claims Economy, Smoothness and Ease of...

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M EMBERS of the Government never tire of reminding industry of

the onus that it bears for increasing Britain's export trade and accelerating recovery. They are, however, less ready to admit...


best help the British commercial vehicle industry to increase exports, said caustically, "By getting out of office as quickly...

Page 44

A 30 m.p.h. Limit Economically a Mixed Blessing

p ROCEEDING with any consideration of the benefits— or otherwise—which are likely to be derived -from the expected increase to...

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Progress in Gear-changing Methods

P ATENT No. 598,377 comes from the Timken-Detroit , Axle Co., Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A., and is concerned with means for...