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0 NE of the problems in transport today is to reward adequately the men who bear responsibility and exercise superior skill and...
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E' EARS that the Baghdad Trade Fair will fail through a lack of accommodation for visitors and' exhibitors' staffs seem to be...
Milko Sartorius IS a bus driver higher in the social scale than a I milkman? The answer to this question is important to Coras...
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That Janus has one too many heads for some. people. _ That in Australia a Foden with 12-speed gearbox can save 11 hours on a...
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T HE committee stage of the Transport Charges, etc. (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill began in the House of Commons on Tuesday...
UORE purchasers of transport units Lvi were announced on Tuesday by the Northern and Western Licensing Authorities. In the...
A T a special meeting on Tuesday to discuss an approach by the Devon General Omnibus and Touring Co., Ltd., about the...
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A MULTIPLIER of 4] was fixed by the Transport Arbitration Tribunal in London on Monday when they assessed compensation to be...
T HE Transport Arbitration Tribunal on Monday dismissed an adjourned application to state a special case to the Court of Appeal...
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MR. S. HARRIS has been appointed assistant traffic manager of the Western Welsh Omnibus Co., Ltd. MR. J. E. M. BEALE has been...
Wll EN does a conductor cease to be ce a conductor; when he puts down his satchel or when be leaves his employers' premises?...
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A LL the time there has been con siderable competition. from the iilways, but the most serious form is . om the increased use...
C ONSEQUENT on applications by Chesterfield Corporation to raise their bus fares, the Midland General Omnibus Co., Ltd.,...
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IN consequence of a pay increase of 2d. an hour to bus crews, which is equivalent to an increase of about 8s. a week over the...
Sight A LTHOUGH it is probably the first vehicle of its kind in the world, a coach powered by a gas turbine that has been built...
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THE Northern Licensing Authority I last week granted permission to =.oster Brothers (Carlisle), Ltd., to . eplace a B-licence...
'''. A NY tool that simplifies the opera tion of replacing the valve cotters in a side-valve engine is worth acclaiming. An...
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D ESPITE the Easter holidays, both production and export figures for April were well maintained. The average weekly output of...
I F'with his employer's knowledge, the driver of a school bus accepts tips from passengers, does the vehicle become a stage...
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newcomer to the haulage industry told the Northern Licensing thority, last week, that although his tnt agreed to confine his...
IT was revealed last week that the 1 reason why the Labour Party's transport policy pamphlet, "British Transport," was recently...
tions will come into force on July'l. From that date, no vehicle may stop within 45 ft. on the approach side of a crossing, the...
T HE Transport Tribunal last week dismissed an appeal by Messrs. J. and J. Johnston, Giicrux, Aspatria, Cumberland, against the...
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W ITH a small, high-efficiency oil engine and a high rearaxle ratio it is to be expected that fuel consumption will be low. But...
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D NE of the happier ideas that arose out of the nationalization of transport was the inauguration of the British Transport...
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by Ashley Taylor, A.M.I.R.T.E. A CHANGED orientation in postwar life, with the large new howing estates, the differences in...
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by v Seacombe M ANY surprises await the transport student from the mainland in the Channel Islands of Jersey and Guernsey. One...
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by Frank Milton C ARLISLE, a city of some 70,000 people, has many thriving industries that have been expanding since the...
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Tiger Cubs for E.Y.M.S. 'HE first of 14 coaches based on Leyland Tiger Cub chassis has en delivered to East Yorkshire Motor...
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Miles from Base East Midland Licensing Authority Takes Lenient View of Applications for Special A Licences : Big Fleets being...
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N articulated outfit just built for the Ministry of Agriculture, - them Ireland, has an Atkinson 66 six-wheeled chassis and...
E plastics division of Thomas dc a Rue, Ltd., has put into service a lc demonstration vehicle to be to demonstrate methods of...
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WHY is there no current equivalent to the old James " and Raleigh motorcycle-engined three-wheeled light delivery vans? There...
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10 see for themselves exactly how the new Thames 3-ton oiler performed, Smith and Landers gineers), carried out a road - test...
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The Soft Touch Needed in Explaining the Cost of Operation of a Motor Van to a Trader who Proposes to give up Horsed Transport...
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r - I A DESIGN for the transmission arran g ements of a rear-en g ined bus or coach is g iven in patent No. 708,871...