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A correspondent (page 6.1) raises this oft-debated question in a new phase he cites the instance of a steamwagon driver who is...
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in dealing with the working of motor vehicles for trade purposes, there are certain general rules governing success, whether...
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It makes very interesting rending in the,,e prosaic days to listen to the romance unfolded by Mr. Clive Bowring, a director of...
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News contributions are invieed : payment will be made on publication. Widnes Motorbuses. The " Commer Car " motorbuses for...
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This journal chronicles, fosters, and represents commercial motoring in all its branches : it is exclusively read in many...
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By "7,72e &Jaz-actor" We ought all to be busy now with a commercial-vehicle exhibition, instead of one's being held for...
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German Motor Corps. The automobiles owned by the Transport Department have grown far too numerous to be managed by the present...
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News contributions or Invited ; payment will be made on tublication. Melbourne is finding taxicabs of great use, and the...
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Protected DriversâConcerning Overloading. By Henry Sturmey. In commenting upon my note which started the recent discussion...
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A Battalion of Guards and Its Equipment are taken to Hastings and Back in 316 Touring Cars and Motorwagons. Under the command...
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Tales of "Trying Tractors " : From the Diary of Trier. First day.âSaw three competing jiggers, found they had been...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects conflated with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on side...
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Ten Shillings Weekly for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for anything else published....
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Selected Information which is likely to be of Iaterest to Makers, Owners, and their Buyers. " PICARDY" (Darlington).âWe are...
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom upon receipt of eightpence...