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A RADIO discussion last week by three eminent lawyers produced a valuable consensus of opinion on punishment and crime.The...
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S OME of the large bus interests were anxious that, in the cause of political peace in transport, a compromise should be...
More Hints on Oil Engines R EFERENCE has already been made to certain interesting points which arose at the recent C.A.V....
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Of some people claiming that short-distance work in congested-traffic conditions requires more skill and attention. That...
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By a Special Correspondent S ERIOUS negotiations between the Road Haulage .Association, British Road Services,the Ministry of...
IN the Year to March last, 19,984 new C-licence operators came into existence, increasing the number by 4 per cent. from...
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THIS year's Lorry Driver of the Year . 1 Competition is likely to be a great improvement on those held in the past. The rules...
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. MR.JAMES R. WOODCOCK. deputy chairman of Morris Motors, Ltd...has been .appointed a director of the British Motor...
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N important new development" 1 . -1 will shortly be announced by the Newton group of companies and Alford and Alder, Ltd. The...
IN the first -quarter of the year the number of Men employed by road passenger transport undertakings in Sheffield and district...
A LARGE factory is being built in . 2 — k the U.S.A. by the Du Pont concern for the manufacture of two new bodywork paints for...
A SCHEDULE of minimum rates for the hire of coaches for service work may be drawn up by a spegial sub-committee of the London...
NO1NE reconditioners of all the Western European countries are to attend an international conference to be held at the Chambre...
A PINE of £3 was imposed on Eric George Sheppard, a smallholder, Council Houses, Lineholt, Onabersley, at Worcester last week...
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A GIFT from Australia to Indonesia under the Colombo Plan, the first of 100 Leyland Comet buses have been handed over in...
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• - 3 . urge that the importance of economy in national administration precludes any substantial additional funds -being made...
L AST month, 24,779 goods vehicles and 691 public service vehicles were produced, compared with 22,706 and 915 respectively in...
TO obtain a high performance com bined with ease of handling and inanceuvrability, Alfred Miles, Ltd., Tewkesbury Road,...
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" N o idle threat" was made to bus services in rural areas by the motor-assisted bicycle, said Maj. F. S. Eastwood, York shire...
P ROPOSALS concerning winkinglight direction indicators are to be circulated by the Minister of Transport. These will require...
nESPITE warnings by Mr. W. T. James, chairman of the South Wales Transport Co., Ltd., Swansea Corporation are reported to have...
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By Alan Smith v (SIT any bodybuilder in a big town and, above the noise of the hammering, he will complain about the shortage...
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7 ast Trunk Haulage I NCREASED interest in the new Leyland Comet 8-ft-wheelbase tractor chassis was recently caused by the...
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A LTHOUGH Mr. Paul N. Matton, mana g in g director of Trico-Folberth, Ltd., may be sli g ht in stature, he knows how to shout....
T HE salt division of Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., has developed a new system of bulk handlin g for dried vacuum salt...
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by Andrew Seacombe Another Record Year Expected by Sole South Wales Holders of Continental Tours Licence : Big Potential...
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P.T.A. Conference' Delegates Fear Sacrifice of Safety. Reliability and Comfort : Pressure for Denationalization ELEGATES to...
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A N A.E.C. Reliance with a Burlingham 30-seat body entered by Sheffield United . Tours, Ltd., took first place in the technical...
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CI-at a ci Lan. Local Agreement Municipal and Company Co-operation---Fart 1 By C. S. Dunbar, M.Inst.T. I N the early years...
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A LTHOUGH America is farther advanced than this country in the development of automation, it is applied to only about 25-30 per...
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T HE rapid expansion of co-ordinated road, rail and sea transport for the carriage of goods in sealed van-trailers on long...
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"If all the interests concerned can come to me and say they have worked out a practical compromise I will give the 30...
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T RANSFERS and direct purchases of ex-British Road Services' vehicles are reported from eight areas this week. SCOTLAND Mr....
R.B.C. Transport Co., Ltd. Cap. il00. Subs.: E. Metnick and Mrs. A. Melniek, 30 Green Lane, Edgware, Middx. Sec.: Audrey...
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lbw Me SZI9 0 -- AYNTAVW ieratfoogref oehobn can fp pere cote Street, Sandford Hill, Langton, by Mr. E. E. Owen, 1 New Road,...
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U NLESS an operator has fairly exact knowledge of the cost of running his business, he is likely to have misconceptions about...
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M ETICULOUS planning preceded the movement of a complete Britannia 300 fuselage, with a section of wing attached, from the...
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A POWER-ASSISTED steering gear I -- kforms the subject of patent No. 745,202 (R. Bishop and R. Johnson, Flowton Priory,...