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months to years and still the promised Government statement as to the country's industrial policy falls to materialize. "We...
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The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difikulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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In the recently issued ninth annual report of the Road Board—now, of course, destined to be the last report of that body—there...
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The tramwaya manager of York has secured a valuable return of the comparative costs of running omnibuses in York and several...
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Roads and Transport Exhibits. I T IS a very useful and interesting display of certain classes of commercial-motor vehicles at...
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A New American Production Designed for the British Market. A NEW motor lorry emanating from the other side of the Atlantic and...
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What They Have Done, What They are Doing, What They are Going to Do. I T IS HARDLY necessary for, us to emphasize the...
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By the . courtesy. of Mr. Herbert H. Humphries, the City Engineer and Surveyor of Birmingham, we were given facilities for...
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Amongst the local authorities who we recently intervievied and asked to give us their views on motors "for , municipal work was...
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How the Enhancement of the Price and the Deterioration of the Fish Between the Catch and the Customer Can be Prevented by the...
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F OR MANY YEARS past the Liverpool Corporation have favoured the employment of motor vehicles for their various municipal...
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The Argument in Favour of Limiting Competition and Granting Monopolies in Public Transport. By a Qualified Public Service...
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No. 10.— The Moral of Some Recent Speeches. T HE SUBJECT matter of the speeches delivered at the dinner recently given by the...
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A Presidential Address That Gives Due Homage to a Most Important Prime Mover.' T HE ADDRESS given by Dr. T. Blackwood Murray...
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How Transport Economy can only be Obtained by Regarding the Road and the Vehicle as the Necessary Parts of a Single System. T...
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What the Civic Authorities in the Lace City have Done to Secure Efficiency I T CANNOT be said, in relation to either the city...
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F 0 replace the old 4-ton Bernet, which before the waif was known to Some txtent in this eciuntry (but, of course,. lad a great...
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The Exhibition Organized by the County Councils Association Fully Described. T HE Roads and Transport Congress and Exhibition...
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ThisiMinpany show one vehicle only. This'is'a'fine 32 h.P. chassis fitted with a, steel tipping bodr Of 3i tons capacity. rho...
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By R. T. Nicholson (Author of "The Book of the Ford"). E VERY MOTOR driver picks up, in the course Of long experience, a...
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A PRIZE OF TEN SHILLINGS is awarded each week to the sender of the best letter which we publish on this page: all others are...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patents. There are two specifications this week by Caterpillar Tractors, ltd., both of which...