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W HEN legal aid was made available to those litigants who could not afford their own heavy expenses of going to court, it was...
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I IMITATIONS, some excessively severe, are L./being imposed Or contemplated on the loading and unloading of commercial vehicles...
Trumping His Ace S Member of Parliament for Eastbourne, Sit " Charles Taylor has a special interest in the hotel industry, but...
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That driver lubrication should be none-for-theroad but he might have a night-cap to lubricate strained nerves. _ That our roads...
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D OAD haula g e workers Ire a g ain : seekin g increased wa g es. An appliL cation from them was expect e d, for it has become...
1 T is estimated that British Road Services have on hand applications to the Licensin g Authorities for 200 additional vehicles...
U NLESS the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents adopt a more accommodatin g attitude towards the national...
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1\4 UN [OPAL undertakings now face the likelihood of another claim for higher pay, this time for clerical, sttpervisory,...
ECAUSE of certain irregularities revealed when an examiner inspected the company's records, the Western Licensing Authority on...
A N .order from Israel fol. 250 Royal • Tiger .Worldmaster bus • chassis valued at Elm. was announced on Wednesday. by Leyland...
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A BOUT 100 volunteers from the office staff are being employed as part-time drivers and conductors by the Birmingham and...
A FTER an earlier appeal (The Commercial Motor, May 13) in which the Transport Tribunal decided that he had been denied...
MR. DONALD URQUTIART has succeeded MR. D. S. MCPHAIL as manager of the Dunlop sub-depot at Aberdeen. MR. G. A. BAXTER has...
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CRITICISM of a Welsh haulage firm who entered livestock haulage " irregularly" is contained in a decision issued by the...
the supply of fuel was uncovered at Grantham Guildhall last week, when details were given of 21 charges of conspiracy, false...
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n PERATORS of long-distance coach services to and from London have asked for permission to increase their week-end fares next...
T ODAY the fi fth edition of " The .1 British Commercial Vehicle Industry" is Published by Temple Press Ltd. This indispensable...
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A T a Ministry of Transport inquiry in London, last week, Mr. E. S. Fay, for the Birmingham and .Midland Motor Omnibus Co.,...
W HEN Mr. F. Whittock, one of four private hauliers who objected to an application before the Western Licensing Authority on...
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A STRONGLY supported case for it the authorization of an early" start on the Birmingham inner ring road was .presented to the...
A GRAYS ...operator on Monday objected unsucOessfully — to an' application by the Eastern. National Omnibus Co., Ltd., for...
A POPULATION of 7,000-8,000 had ris a right to excursion and tour facilities, submitted a Swallownest operator before the...
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xiALVE springs of internal-combus tion engines which operated in a corrosive atmosphere had a much reduced working life, and,...
A DRIVER, who was badly burned when a bottle of ether he was carrying in the cab of his vehicle spilt and caught fire, was...
'1N the House of Commons last week, I Mr. J. A. Boyd-Carpenter, Minister of Transport, announced that he was:— (1)...
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A N objector was . told last week by Mr. S. W. Nelson, Western 1-1 . Licensing Authority, that his objection_ would receive...
W HEN the City Coal Co., Farrnborough, Somerset, applied to the Western Licensing Authority, last week, for the variation of...
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T HE latest developments in the hygienic tranAport of foodstuffs, principally meat, were demonstrated on Tuesday at Fleet,...
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Latest Commer Superpoise 25-cwt. Chassis has a New O.H.V. Engine and Redesigned Cab Good Acceleration and High Top Speed...
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New Pedal Switch for Ashanco Electric Exhaust Brake for Use with Air Sistems : Eight Types of Brake Unit Now Offered IT is...
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St. Albans Depot: A Claimant WITH regard to the report in your November 4 issue " about the disposal of the B.R.S. depot at...
Ribble Record By The Hawk P REVENTIVE maintenance practised by Ribble Motor I Services, Ltd., is showing remarkable results,...
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BY OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT D URING the committee stage of the Road Traffic Hilt in the House of Commons last week, the...
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I N a world that is rapidly growing in appreciation of the articulated vehicle—principally under American influence—the British...
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A MONG the power-driven - mobile appliances on view at the Building Exhibition, which opened at Olympia, London, last week and...
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By Our Legal Adviser A CASE in which summonses before the Wolverhampton stipendiary magistrate were dismissed because of a...
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W ITHOUT making a natidnal survey,, it is difficult to decide how serious the labour situation is in - oad haulage. There are...
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Big Scottish Hauliers Now Have 135 Vehicles : First List 13 Purchasers Named A FURTHER 55 vehicles, five of them articulated...
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Leyland Albion (Africa), Ltd., have opened depots at Bloemfontein. South Africa, and Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia. The nine...
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Several Methods of Assessing Depreciation, but Not All are Good : Why "The Commercial Motor" Treats it as a Running Cost :...
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iNTENDED for multi-c■ lindered " engines, a rotary-distributor injection pump is shown in patent No. 737,403, by C.A.V. Ltd.,...