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A S STRONGLY as . ever do we feel that the coalgas movement requires at once the fostering care of a powerful representative...
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Personal Pars About the Ploughers, By the " C.M." Representative. The most conspienous man in the field Ni l es easily H. G....
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Of further petrol-electric developments. !That only here and' there are the critics of coal-gas g - a,.3 bags. Of some...
Mr. H. C. B. Underdown, of Commercial Cars, Ltd., Takes the Wheel. .m ri. H. C. B. UNDERDOWN, the new Director of...
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Friction with the Food Production Department Indicated. I RE NEWS that Mr. S. F. Edge was (for want of a better word) losing...
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" The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Detailed Report of the Official Agrimotor Tests at Edinburgh. [By Our Special Commissioner.] Edinburgh last week added another...
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If Your System is Right Your Motor Vehicle Will Advertise Your Business. Find out what your drivers are doiri,g.. Is petrol or...
What Other Countries are Doing. Hitherto the electric has not been very favourably regarded in this eountry as a suitable...
. Some Heart-to-heart POinters. Owing . to -the difficulty in securing adequate petrol supplies to meet commercialdemands,...
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Conclusion of the Interesting and Valuable Paper by Mr. W. M. Barrett, of, the Manchester Corporation. As to the liability of...
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The Motor Fuel" Problem in Cornwall, Edinburgh, and Yorkshire. The Cornish Association of Gas Managers held a meeting at Truro...
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Scheme for Books of Tickets in Lieu of Cash when Charging Up. We have received the following copy of a circular issued by the...
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By "The Extractor." He Laughs Best Who Laughs Last. Barton of Beeston, as he is universally called, is of modest mien, but...
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The Editor invites correspondence on (2,1i subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on, one gide...
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Our readers will be infor ned by the Editor on any points connected with the construction or use of commercial motors. Where a...
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A PRIZE OF TEN SHILLINGS is awarded each week all others are paid fcrr at . the:rate Of a 'penny a line, with an published....
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A Detachable Chain Non-skid. E. M. EnoIles, of 20, Humboldt Street, Bradford, describes a simple type of chain non-skid in his...