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COMMERCIAL MOTOR Recognized in Business Circles as the Leading Journal. The Authority on all forms of Mechanical Road...
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A MEMBER of the -staff of Temple Press Ltd., 1 - 1_ engaged upon the publication side of the business, often makes long night...
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That there are at least two ways of motorizing pedestrians. No carols yet, although it is only two months to-day to...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by ail diculies of transPort at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness...
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Poole Corporation proposes to purchase a new motor fire-engine. Birmingham Watch Committee has accepted the tender of Leyland...
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A Foden Product in which the Weight of the Chassis is More Equally Distributed than Usual. 911:1E new undertype steam wagon,...
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T IIAT a great city like Manchester should only parade 64 machines at its seventh annual motor parade organized by the local...
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Tilling-Stevens Produces a Rigid-frame Six-wheeler in which Power is Electrically Transmitted to the Driving Wheels. IX...
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A Hard-working Fleet which Distributes Supplies in Isolated Areas. H U NDREDS of miles off the beaten track, in the timber...
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MirR. FREDERICK W. TAILOR, DI-the principal of Messrs.. Allan Taylor and Co., the Ford service agent, of High Street,...
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The A.C. (Acedes) System which Employs a Free-wheel Clutch in the Plate Member of the Main Clutch. F OLLOWING up our desire to...
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T HE work of organizing the Steam Wagon Demonstration first proposed in an editorial article in The Commercial Motor, and later...
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:R PASSENGER CHASSIS. MHERE has been a decided call recently, and par ticularly from municipal users of passenger chassis,...
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T IIE motor vehicle has given proof to users in many branches of trade of its value for carrying equipment which is intended to...
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Brief Details of a new F.W.D. Model which Embodies Particularly Interesting Features. F OR certain purposes, such as transport...
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Making Use of the Water Tank to Give a Steam-aided Jet. T HE suggestion is being put forward by the designers 1 of the...
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Minor Improvements to the Existing Range. Three Robust Chassis Designed For Hard Work and Low Maintenance Costs. W HEN a...
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Valuable Advice on Every Phase of Ford Transport which will Appeal to the Owner, Driver and Repairer. .553.--An Unusual Cause...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. A SMART-LOOKING all 'weather motor coach body has recently been...
A Brief Description of a Special Type of Container which Has Been Fitted to Vehicles Run by an American Company. T "problem of...
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Opposition Raised to the Application of a London Bus Proprietor for Licences to Ply for Hire in Gloucestershire and South Wales...
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Whether to Buy New Motor Coaches or to Retain the Old Ones in Service. T WAS very interested and not a little pleased, while...
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A FLEET of three Fordson petrol tractors and seven trailers has been successfully employed for the past two years by the City...
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Some Improved Appliances Shown at the Motor Show, and Interesting Ideas at the Inventions Exhibition. W E are usually able to...
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T NEPROVEMENTS are constantly being made in horseboxes, and there is an ever increasing demand for this class of vehicle, which...
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Useful Contributions From Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. To Save the Leathers of Hydraulic Tipping Gears. F ROM Sandbach,...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications. A N arrangement of auxiliary springs is described in specification No....