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T HERE is no manufacturing industry in the country which keeps more up to date in its production of models and types designed...
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A Member of ParliaA PLEA for the adoption of ment Recommends the principle of national National Roads. . . roads is put...
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The western sub-area of the A.R.O. has announced a meeting for 7.45 p.m. on Monday. October 28, at Hammersmith Town Hall,...
"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all &fealties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
e r HE driver of a van equipped with 1 a governor limiting the speed to 30 m.p.h., successfully appealed at the West Riding...
NAEMBERS of the employers' panel al of the Yorkshire Joint Conciliation Board met in Leeds, on Tuesday, to discuss the...
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the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, held on October 16, was an interesting but somewhat crowded function, there...
S OME 400 persons were present at the annual dinner of the Institution of Automobile Engineers, which was held at the Park Lane...
rOMPLAINT of a lack of facilities at Truro and other markets for washing lorries bringing in livestock was made at a meeting...
Henry Meadows, Ltd., Fallings Park, Wolverhampton, will exhibit at the Commercial Vehicle Show a new Meadows-Lanova...
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The Commercial Motor Users Association is making plans for placing the case of road transport before candidates at the...
The Christchurch Tramway Board is calling for tenders, which have to be presented in New Zealand by November 1 . 6, 1935, for...
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MR WALTER R. JACKSON has been appointed sales representative for Lancashire and Cheshire for L. C. Hillier, Ltd., Drake Street,...
So much interest has been aroused at the Car Show by the Mastra sixcylinder two-stroke car that there have been many ....
B radford Watch Committee has appointed a sub-committee to purchase two vehicles for the police. Bradford Transport Committee...
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No maitre d'hotel greeted our nightly customers. No cloakroom girl took their hats and gave them tickets. No waiter brushed a...
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17, the Appeal Tribunal heard an appeal by S. H. Jones and Co., 15, Fenwick Street, Liverpool, against the refusal of the...
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The Development of the Removal Industry from the Days of the Horsed Pantechnicon. The Trade Would Welcome Mutually Profitable...
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T IIE Appeal Tribunal heard an appeal, at Liverpool, last week, by . the Globe Parcel Delivery Co., 52, Vauxhall Road,...
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T HE principle upon which the pneumatic tyre is constructed is that of providing a flexible container for a quantity of...
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A NUMBER of detail improvements .1 - 1 has been made to the range of Daimler passengv chassis for the forthcoming season,...
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Air Services Compete with Shipping Lines and Railways, but Road Transport Should _Profit by Road-Air Co-ordination F ROM the...
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WARNINGS regarding the import ance of observing licence conditions were, on Monday, administered by the Metropolitan Licensing...
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New Leyland Products r IFFERING considerably from the Liprevions compression-ignition power units Innli 'by this maker, a new...
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r ONSTRUCTED on the rocking-bar principle, but drawn by a vehicle with practieally. a normal body, a new seinitrailer: has been...
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Court of Appeal Judg ments Suggest that Licensing Authorities are Exceeding Their Powers. Railways Over-reaching Themselves in...
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THE EMPIRE'S BEST-LIGHTED AIRPORT. T HE General Electric lighting system at Croydon is now complete and is one of the best...
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ir-wheeled 40-seater Single-decker The Lancet II is the First Passenger I lur-wheeler of Orthodox L yout to Provide Body Spac...
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T newly formed road-transport section of the Bradford Chamber of Trade is to take an active interest in the forthcoming General...
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A Summary of the Improvements Noticed in the Cars Displayed at Olympia By the Technical Editor of "The Motor" T "private -cars...
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Despite Harsh Limitations on Long-distance Haulage and Gross Loads, in Respect of Ancillary Users, as Well as Hauliers, Road...
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Crossley Developments An Entirely New Trolleybus Chassis Now in Production, Together With an. Automatic Self-selecting and...
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H OW Northern Ireland' has tackled its goods-transport question, through co-ordination of road and rail services, was...
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An Informative and Comprehensive Summary of the Plans of Prominent Manufacturers for the Forthcoming Year. The First...
A STRIKING feature of the 1936 range of commercial vehicles manufactured by the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., Southall, will...
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S OME months ago Albion Motors, Ltd., Scotstoun, Glasgow, introduced a 4i-tonner in the 30 m.p.h. class. Now it announces an...
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D ESCRIBED as the Light Twelve.1-../Four truck, an attractive commercial vehicle of 7-10 cwt. capacity, expressly designed for...
A RECENT addition to the range of oil engines made by. ArmstrongSaurcr ..Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., Breritford, Middlesex,...
T "production of an oil-engined 4tonner weighing only 37i. cwt. unladen is a feat which Arran Motors, Ltd., Welwyn Garden City,...
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I N a fine new range of chassis pro duced by Commer Cars, Ltd., Luton, two new 4-5-ton models, each, w.hen fully equipped with...
A NEW single-deck bus chassis and a 4-ton goods chassis are to be featured by the Gilford Motor Co., Ltd., North Circular Road,...
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fiOST striking amongst the features 1V.Iof the 1936 range of Crossley Motors, Ltd., Gorton, Manchester, are the new trolleybus,...
we give . 1 .--Aa full description of the New Lancet II made by Dennis Bros., Ltd., Guildford. We are also permitted to...
Semi-forward Control F OLLOVIDTG the success of its 3-ton model, Dodge Bros. (Britain), Ltd., recently introduced a new 4-ton...
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T WO new models appear in the latest range of Guy Motors, Ltd., Fallings Park, Wolverhampton. One of these is a trolleybus...
A N interesting new tractor for use on golf courses, etc., has recently been marketed by Citroen Kegresse, Ltd., Brook Green,...
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O Fparticular interest in the range of Ford and Fordson commercial vehicles for 1936, built by the Ford Motor Co., Ltd.,...
A NEW semi-trailer, with many novel features, is being marketed by Hands (Leteliworth), Ltd., of Letch worth. A singe-axle...
O NLY a few weeks ago—reported on October 4----we road tested the first of the new-type Multiwheeler maximum-load 10-wheelers....
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A S from the Commercial Motor Show, all new Carrimorc semi-trailers will incorporate the ingenious coupling described in our...
COR 1936, the policy of the InterI national Harvester Co. of Great Britain, Ltd., 259, City Road, London, E.C.1, will be to...
A DEFINITE advance in the design CIL of light goods vehicles is represented by the new 8-10-cwt. van recently marketed by...
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chassis with a wheelbase of 14 ft. 6 ins, is included in the 1936 range of T.S, Motors, Ltd., Victoria Works, Maidstone. As...
The new T.T.A. Four-in-Line semi-trailer shown coupled to a Bedford tractor unit. A N interesting new semi-trailer, which will...
WITH long experience in the buildVV ing of military tractors and armoured cars, Straussler Mechanization, Ltd., 70, Pall Mall,...
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THE activities of John I. Thorny1 croft and Co., Ltd., Smith Square, London, SAVA, have been concentrated, during the past...
B ELIENED to be the largest payload capacity that has ever been achieved in a rigid vehicle weighing 4 tons unladen, G....
B ui ur by the famous German concern which is under the control of the General Motors Corporation of America, the Opel...
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A N interesting new model, manufactured by the Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon Co., Hunslet, Leeds, 10, is an eight-wheeler, which...
A LTHOUGH there are no entirely new designs of Sunbeam trolleybus this year, Sunbeam Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., Moorfield...
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and QUERIES IMPROVING CONDITIONS IN THE BALLAST AND SAND INDUSTRY. [4660] I have read with interest the article by Capt. E....
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A N accompanying illustration shows an interesting and practical application of the Jackall hydraulic jack, made and marketed...
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NO MERSEY TUNNEL BUSES YET A 'important principle is laid down i ii the decision of the NorthWestern Traffic Commissioners to...
A BUS powered by a Leyland ..tA 90 b.h.p. oil en g ine has covered 115,000 miles in 27 months in the service of the Montreal...
The oil-en g ined bus was overhauled after a milea g e of 72.000, whereas the five petrol-en g ined units avera g e 80,000...
n EPRECATING comments on -the L./ activities of the Western Traffic , , Co m mis' sioners were made by Mr. Henry Butt, -C.C.,...
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A N appeal by the London and North Eastern Railway against a .decisioa of the East Midland Traffic Commissioners, permitting...
AEMBERS of Yorkshire Motor 1VICoach 'Owners, Ltd., which association does not become formally amalgamated with Associated Road...
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IT is estimated that the conversion of I Huddersfield's remaining tramways to trolleybus services will cost about R45,000....
nN Tuesday, a Press party was con ducted around four new garages of London Transport, in the north of the Metropolitan Area....
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D URING a discussion, the other day, with a haulier on the position and prospects of the industry (writes a representative of...
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I N this article I am striking a new note. I am going to make some suggestions to hauliers which, I hope, will be of assistance...
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A LTHOUGH, in the main, the pro1 - 1 gramme of E. R. Foden and Son (E.R.F., Ltd.), Sun Works, Sandbach, continues without...