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S a people. Britons are self-depreciatory. This is not to say that we suffer from an inferiority complex, but we frequently...
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" F ROM behind the serried ranks of despondent men arrives—a ,woman; confident and inspiring." Rarely can that powerful...
Will Coaching Trips to WRITING in "The Obserthe Continent become " ver " of October 6, Mr. S. Popular ? . . Adams, chairman of...
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Of many British homes rejoicing in food parcels. Of an offer by an American to buy the I.R.T.E. Presidential badge. That "...
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PUBLIC AND C-LICENSEES WARNED A DDRESSING himself particularly to the general public and C-licensees, Lord Teynham, chairman...
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T HE first annual general meeting of Associated Road Transport Contractors, Ltd., The House of Transport, Tower Hill, London,...
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MR. H. HOLLIDAY, managing director of the Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd., is to retire in December after completing nearly 50 years'...
T HE proposal that every vehicle should be fitted with efficient direction indicators was raised in a question put to the...
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A BILL to exempt from the driving test those who, at the date when the Bill becomes law, have held a provisional driving...
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" yyr, , have found that the use of IV salvage trailers, attached to refuse-collecting vehicles, has served us well, and until...
WINTER ROUTINE OF ASSOCIATED MOTORWAYS A WINTER-SERVICE time table is forthcoming from Associated Motorways, Cheltenham. It...
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PA A MEMORIAL SERVICE for the 1,262 members of the staff of London Transport who fell in the 1939-1945 war was arranged to be...
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A T Goteborg a short visit was paid to the garage of AB J.P. Bergkvists. This is a small haulage company owning 30 lorries, all...
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COUNTER-ATTACK by "Tantalus " W HEN, in the issue of " The Commercial Motor" dated August 23, I first made the canto "scrap the...
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E XCEPT in isolated instances, the poster publicity put out by road passenger transport undertakings is not comparable in...
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R OAD transport in Canada is a highly organized and essential industry. Five per cent, of the population is engaged in it,...
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I N his paper entitled "The Lubrica tion of Pre-selective Gearboxes," which he read before a meeting of the Institute of...
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Although Organization was Good and Social Functions Excellent, Many Operators Felt that Subjects for Discussion were Remote...
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A S reported in "The Commercial Motor" last week, Crossley Motors, Ltd., Manchester, has started to supply to the Netherlands...
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THROUGH the steeply cambered. I narrow, twisting, cobbled streets of Lisbon, and out into its rapidly expanding suburbs, will...
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Does MAINTENANCE Take? W E are considering equipping a workshop for the servicing and maintenance of our fleet of 40 lorries...
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p ARADOXICALLY, a prominent part of the reconstruction work of this country is demolition. The many street surface air-raid...
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A DEMONSTRATION of the Teler't hoist SL 1 hydraulic tipping gear, briefly described in our issue dated August23, was staged at...
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F ROMthe Clayton Dewandre Co., Ltd., and J. Rodway, both of Titanic Works, Lincoln, comes, in patent No. 578,314, an improved...