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25th October 1957
25th October 1957
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Page 1, 25th October 1957

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Leave Well Alone

A N uninformed observer at the Road Haulage Association's annual conference at Rothesay last week might have been pardoned for...

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Perpetual Motion

T HE decision iaken last week by the Transport and General Workers' Union to sponsor an immediate claim by London busmen for an...

Passing Comments

An Early Annual MEARLY 40 years of service devoted to improving 1 long-distance passenger transport may be said to be...

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£32m, Road Works Start This Year

R oAp works to cost £321m. would be started before the end of the current financial year, Mr. Harold Walk inson, Minister of...

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the Industry

BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT T HE new pay claim of 53,000 London bus workers came as a surprise to the industry. No demand was...

Road Marks May Follow Continental Standards

j' CHANGE in British road markings to bring them into conformity with European standard markings was contemplated, Mr. Harold...

By Council's Move

W HEN Bath City Council suddenly objected to buses running on their Wansdyke and Foxhill estates because the roads were not...

Page 32

"Feud Between Council and North Western ', T HE battle between Stockport

Corporation and the North Western Road Car Co., Ltd., to decide who should provide the stage services to the corporation's new...

Men in the News

Ma. P. A. Eats has become traffic superintendent of Accrington Corporation. MR. I. Root has been appointed transport manager...

2-ton Limit on Marlow Bridge?

T RAFFIC crossing the suspension I bridge over the River Thames at Marlow will be restricted to a laden weight of 2 tons if'...

Page 33

Wool Traffic Revenue Leaps by £14,037

wail about 65 per cent. of their WV traffic devoted to the wool trade, S. Leach (Transport). Ltd., Leeds, increased their...

Gloomy Outlook for Small Buses

T HEbiggest problem facing bus operators who served remote villages was to keep existing services going, the East Midlands...

£5,250 Station Rating: Compa ny Appeal T HE valuation at £5,250 of

the new St. Andrew's Square bus station in Edinburgh was challenged by Scottish Omnibuses, Ltd., in the Valuation Appeal Court...

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Tourists Enjoyed Trip to Moscow

G ENERAL satisfaction with an enjoyable three-week trip from London to Moscow and back was expressed last Friday by the first...

Undertakings to Seek Higher Fares

A N application for increased fares by Oldham Corporation was granted by the North Western Traffic Commissioners, last week,...

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Inquiry into Traffic Restrictions

DROPOSED measures to be intro duced by Westminster City Council to deal with traffic con g estion, includin g a ban on waitin g...

Buses' Empty-running Route Criticized

MHEN buses on a sta g e service have vW deposited their passen g ers at the terminus, it is no one's concern what the vehicles...

What Proof Does Applicant Need ?

nECISION on an appeal which was stated to raise the q uestio n as to what an applicant had to prove to justify additional...

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User Changed: Applicant Warned

THE importance of giving a correct I. description of normal user when renewing an A licence was illustrated at Liverpool on...

Higher Fares to Avoid Anomaly

P ASSENGERS travelling from South Shields to Coventry on coaches operated by Hall Bros., Ltd., were deposited five miles from...

Es-B.R.S. Employee's ,Case Fails

A N order prohibiting Birmingham Compensation Appeal Tribunal from hearing an appeal by Mr. Henry Percy Leigh, of Cheadle Road,...


f AST week, the Ford factory at Cork, La Eire, exported 76 heavy-duty lorries and ambulances to Finland, which is one of...

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R.H.A. Act on Accepted Resolutions

ACTION has now been taken on ACTION approved by . delegates at the Road Haulage Association's annual conference at ROthesay...

I.U.P.T. to Continue Pressure

pNERGETIC pursuit will be main tained by the International Union of Public Transport in their campaign to relieve traffic...

Page 38

New Edition of "B.C.V.I." Now on Sale

INDISPENSABLE to all concerned with the purchase and maintenance of vehicles and bodywork, the sixth edition of "The British...

Union Branch Against Alt-night Buses

A PROPOSED all-night bus service in. by Dundee Corporation, to cater for the city's night-shift workers, has been blocked for...

"Artie" to Sell Britain Abroad

To demonstrate and sell British goods 1 on the Continent, a Taskers 28-ft. semi-trailer -has been equipped with a. film...

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Fines Follow Potato Haulage Cheek

TOURNEYS by goods vehicles to what J was described by the defence as " one of the most desolate parts of South Wales" led to...


A COACH operator who applied at Bristol, fast week, for permission to serve the city's two football grounds from new estates at...

Sir Gurney Calls for Humber Bridcre

A CALL for the building of a bridge across the Humber as part of the national road programme was made last week by the...

Further Fall in Exports

F iGURES issued by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders on Monday show a drop of approximately £500,000 in the value...

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Slough Experiment Cuts Serious Accidents

I NTRODUCING a report on the Slough experiment to the Road Safety Congress in London last week, speakers gave illustrated...

Guard Rails: Enforcement Wanted

S IK proposals were submitted to the delegates during a Road Safety Forum. Only one was carried. It advocated the more...

General Speed Limit Useless

nELEGATES were given the oppor tunity of putting questions to a panel of experts at the Road Safety Parliament, under the...

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New Electrics •

for Dairymen S EVERAL new battery-clectrics are among the vehicle exhibits in the Dairy Show, which opened at Olympia, London,...

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Hamburg's Imports

Go By Road Handling Highly Mechanized in Free Port ; Docks Laid Out to Avoid Congestion By a Special Correspondent I N...

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_Routemaster Coach for Green Line

A total of 113 fork-lift trucks is operated by the company, the majority being Still machines of 14 ton or 21-ton capacity. All...

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Analysing Engine Performance

THE Model B.70 Master Motor analyser is a new product of Crypton Equipment, Ltd., Bridgwater, Somerset. This comprises four...

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Operators Claim Better Service than Ever. Before Without Cutting Their Profit Margin, But C-licence "Pirates," Owner-drivers...

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Where Credit is Due

E VERY praise is due to Mr. Leslie Stokoe. secretary of the Scottish Area of the Road Haulage Association, and his staff for...

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By John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. H AVING spent two days testing the new Thornycroft Trusty PK /QR6 maximum-load . eight-wheeler,...

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Vetting a Used Vehicle

Part Two An Easily Followed Formula for Checking a Vehicle After .Road Test: Faults that May -Escape Detection By Edward...

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Latest Otter Has Modern Frontal Styling

L ATEST version of the Otter to -be La produced by Guy Motors, Ltd., is the oil-engined Mark III having modern frontal styling....

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Ideological Warfare

By JANUS C OMPOSED in language not always easy to understand, Sir Reginald Wilson's presidential address to the Institute of...

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More Beet Falling from Lorries

MOW that the sugar-beet season is upon us, I notice " that one of the local authorities of the Eastern Counties has given...

How Manufacturers Fared Abroad

P GURES showing how different makers succeeded in various export markets are contained in the 1957 edition of "The Motor...

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E VEN after an efficient vehicle or fleet has already been provided, a high standard of service can be consistently maintained...

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A Five-speed Transmission

P ATENT No. 782,389 shows a fivespeed and reverse gearbox suitable for a heavy vehicle. The primary drive is through a...