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S TRONGER headboards for lorries are likely to be -an overdue outcome of the proposed new Construction and Use Regulation...
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T HERE is a tendency, even among those who should know better, towards confused thought on the difference between wages and...
By The Hawk A LTHOUGH he deprecatingly describes himself as "another one of these retired generals," there is nothing Blimpish...
I N September, 1900, when Mr. Joseph Chamberlain was Secretary for the Colonies, a Stranraer youth, fired with tales of London...
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BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT T HE employers panel of the Road Haulage Wages Council, who met on Tuesday afternoon in preparation...
T HE non-publication of an application by Associated Motorways, for the extension of a Cheltenham-Coventry express journey to...
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SOMEONE should tell the Road Haulage Association that it was necessary for them to ensure that figures produced on behalf of...
Tw CI men, Horace Clifford Davies, owner of a small bus, and Robert Marsh, organizer of Sunday journeys from Leicester, were...
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vice-principal of the Chelsea College of Aeronautical and Automobile Engineering. He will take up the appointment in October....
nURING his public examination in bankruptcy, at Stonehaven Sheriff Court, last week, a Kincardine haulier was asked to explain...
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A LTHOUGH no further penalty for previous misdemeanours would be inflicted on Crompton Garage Co., Ltd., High Street, West...
A T the Earls Court Show, R. A. Dyson and Co., Ltd., are to introduce a new van-bodied semi-trailer of unit construction with...
G IANT tyres of all types, including remoulds, may be used on commercial vehicles up to a maximum sustained speed of 45 m.p.h.,...
W HEN Blarnire's Transport Services, Ltd., Chapel Lane, Longton, were fined £1 in each of 14 cases of permitting men to drive...
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Ex i st i ng Operator rut on Trial" A FTER complaints from workpeople a short-term application made by De Luxe Buses, Ltd.,...
A N inter-depot rates schedule for the private use of members of Associated Road Transport Contractors, Ltd., has been...
T HE shortage of bus crews in London, now estimated at between 5,000-6,000, would not be solved until London Transport offered...
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ILLICIT caravan towing took place in 1 the north-west, alleged Mr. M. Stanley, a representative of Hoyland and Stanley Caravan...
QEVERAL 6 x 4 crane-carrier chassis are currently being manufactured by Atkinson Vehicles, Ltd., Walton-le-Dale, Lanes, to the...
A T least 500 accidents, six people killed and more than 100 injured is the toll taken by the fleet of lorries which has...
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XPRESS fares charged by some of the 1 —imain operating companies in the West Country are to go up by one penny in the shilling...
New Branch: A new branch office has been opened by the Mercantile Credit Co., Ltd., at 5a King Street, Hereford. More Finance...
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Commissioners at Manchester Outlined D ISSATISFACTION over the behaviour of Lancashire United Transport, Ltd., after they...
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Pl. A COUNTY court judge was set the task in Nottingham, last week, of deciding what should be done with a coach whose...
'THE 1.960 edition of " The Commercial I. Motor Tables of Operating Costs" was published on Wednesday, and is available from...
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A NEW distribution centre opened last week by Mac Fisheries, Ltd., at Finsbury Park, London, N.4, can handle 90 tons of fresh...
F OUR Merryweather 100-ft. hydraulicturntable ladder appliances have been ordered by Lancashire County Fire Brigade. The first...
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T HE revised A.E.C. heavy-vehicle range is completed today by the announcement of a new highcapacity passenger chassis, the...
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A PUBLICATION just issued by the Ministry of Transport, entitled " Vehicle Testing" (Stationery Office, 2s.), explains the...
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D ETAILS of the vehicles to be exhibited by Renault, Ltd., Western Avenue, London. W.3, at the Commercial Motor Show at Earls...
O N the eve of his retirement, Mr. A. Robertson, Scottish Deputy Licensing Authority, heard an application for 17 additional...
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A s announced in last week's issue, the Primrose Third Axle Co., Ltd., Clitheroe, Lancs, have developed a new form of...
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I T is not easy for a specialist manufacturer to compete with the mass producers in the lightweight market unless he can offer...
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W ILL WE EVER HAVE another summer like that of 1959? Odds are zoo to i against it in years. But what a summer it was ! And what...
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V OLUNTEERS must be few and far between for seats on the employers' panel of the Road Haulage Wages Council. Their task seems ....
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S HORT of employing a gas-turbine power unit—with dubious advantages, in any case—there seems to be little in the way of...
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E QUIPMENT produced by Ferranti, Ltd., Hollinwood, Lanes, provides 1 -4 quick and accurate assessment of the efficiency of...
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There's only one way to prove the I worth of a trailer axle and that's by watching it work with big payloads over millions of...
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By Providing a Differential Action Between the Piston and Connecting Rod, a Higher Performance Could W THEN the piston of a...
A COMPANY under Spanish control, rTh. Jolover Transport, Ltd., Covent Garden, London, who want to build up a national road...
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F OLLOWING frequent' references in these articles to statutory minimum rates of pay as laid down in the current Order R.H.(68),...
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With fuel purchased in bulk at 3s. 10d. per gallon, and a consumption rate of 16 m.p.g., fuel costs per mile would amount to...
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A SPECIAL vehicle covered by patent the carriage of long loads. The rear separate steerable bogie. (G. Hougharn Church Road,...